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---+ Linking APPX with Oracle 7.3 _Note: This document is considered OBSOLETE, as it does not apply to current versions of APPX or Oracle. However, customers running older software may find the information it contains to be useful._ Linking APPX 3.2 with Oracle 7.3 requires different Makefile.relink than the default provided, due to changes Oracle made in their library structure. Oracle has provided documentation from their Problem Repository, a copy of which follows. After this document is a copy of Kirby's APPX/Oracle7.3 Makefile.relink that worked at BCBS-GA. <pre> ____________________________________________________________________ Oracle Corporate Support Problem Repository 1. Prob# 1020022.6 MISSING LIBORA.A, LIBOCIC.A, AND LIBNETWORK.A 2. Soln# 2068305.6 THESE LIBRARIES HAVE BEEN REPLACED STARTING WITH VERSIO 3. Prob# 1015371.4 METALINK & MERCURY: ONLINE SUPPORT SERVICES FOR CLIENTS 1. Prob# 1020022.6 MISSING LIBORA.A, LIBOCIC.A, AND LIBNETWORK.A Problem ID : 1020022.6 Affected Platforms : Generic: not platform specific Affected Products : Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition V7 Affected Components : RDBMS V07.03.XX Affected Oracle Vsn : V07.03.XX Summary: MISSING LIBORA.A, LIBOCIC.A, AND LIBNETWORK.A +=+ Problem Description: ==================== Unable to find the following libraries after installing RDBMS 7.3.2: $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libora.a $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libocic.a $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libnetwork.a Problem Explanation: ==================== These libraries have been combined with other new libraries to improve efficiency. Additional Search Words: lib, libora, libocic, libnetwork, 7.3, relink, programs libserver, libclient, -lora, -locic, -lnetwork, lora, locic, lnetwork +==+ Diagnostics and References: * {8432.6,Y,100} RDBMS 7.3.X * {9126.6,Y,100} MISSING LIBRARIES 2. Soln# 2068305.6 THESE LIBRARIES HAVE BEEN REPLACED STARTING WITH VERSIO Solution ID : 2068305.6 For Problem : 1020022.6 Affected Platforms : Generic: not platform specific Affected Products : Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition V7 Affected Components : RDBMS V07.03.XX Affected Oracle Vsn : V07.03.XX Summary: THESE LIBRARIES HAVE BEEN REPLACED STARTING WITH VERSION 7.3 +=+ Solution Description: ===================== libora.a is replaced by libserver.a libocic.a is replaced by libclient.a libnetwork.a is replaced by libsqlnet.a (7.2.x and up) The symbols defined in the old libraries should be included in the replacement libraries. +==+ References: 3. Prob# 1015371.4 METALINK & MERCURY: ONLINE SUPPORT SERVICES FOR CLIENTS Problem ID : 1015371.4 Affected Platforms : Generic: not platform specific Affected Products : Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition V7 Affected Components : RDBMS Generic Affected Oracle Vsn : V07V.XX Summary: METALINK: ONLINE SUPPORT SERVICES FOR CLIENTS +=+ Oracle Web Services =================== The following is a list of our Web services. We invite you to visit them and we look forward to servicing you on the web. Oracle Global Customer Service ------------------------------ Looking for answers? Need some help? Oracle now has a global customer service web site to answer all of your questions! OracleMERCURY ------------- OracleMERCURY was designed to provide key services to our Workgroup/2000 users. You will be able to: * Obtain the latest product information and installation instructions * Perform text searches against our Internal Support databases * like the Bug Solution and the Global Solution Exchange. * Access online copies of our documentation. * Post questions and share ideas in our technical forums. This service is only available for the following products: Oracle Media Objects, Oracle Power Objects, Oracle Objects for OLE, Personal Oracle Lite, Personal Oracle7, and Oracle7 Workgroup Server. MetaLink on the Web ---------------------- MetaLink on the Web was designed and developed by Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to provide our valued customers with a Worldwide Web interface to our information and resources. MetaLink on the Web provides you with quick and easy access to our technical and service information, as well as our people. This service is included in Gold, Silver and Bronze support. You can browse pages containing specialized information, you can run full text search on thousands of documents and you can ask questions and share your knowledge with Oracle Worldwide Customer Support Analysts and other customers. How Do I get Access? ==================== If you have a valid CSI you can contact your Sales Representative and receive a user account. The URL is: http://support.us.oracle.com Phone Numbers: If you do not know who your License Sales Representative may be, please call 800.542.1170 and be prepared to provide your company name, city, state, and zip code. A representative will be able to provide you with your Sales Representative's name. Direct Response: (Product and sales information) 800.672.2531 or 800 ORACLE1 Support Renewals: 415.506.5577 Structure and content of OracleMERCURY ====================================== The OracleMERCURY structure is based on the product bundles customers receive from Oracle. Information under those pages will be structured in the following sections: * Installation Assistance * Installation Manuals * Hot Topics * Desupport Pages * Alerts * Manuals * Product Reference * README files * Release Notes * Supplementary Bulletins * Supported Versions * Top 20 PR * White Papers Search words: Mercury, MetaLink, Web, supportlink +==+ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ KIRBY'S APPX/ORACLE7.3 MAKEFILE.RELINK: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ # UNIX Makefile to relink appx with or without optional interfaces # # usage: make -f Makefile.relink appx cisam=ccc vision=vvv # where cisam=ccc specifies the C-ISAM module to link in (libisam.a) # and vision=vvv specifies the Vision interface to link in (runcbl.a) # # either or both of the parameters (cisam=, vision=) may be omitted # in which case the appropriate stubs will be linked in disabling the # interface # SHELL = /bin/sh LIB = appx.a ## SYBASE SUPPORT ## ## Note that you must have an environment variable named ## 'SYBASE' defined before you use try to link a Sybase ## enabled version of Appx. $SYBASE must point to your ## Sybase installation location. ## ## If you receive the following error: ## make: *** No rule to make target `/lib/libsybdb.a'. Stop. ## It probably means you don't have the SYBASE directory set correctly ##SYB_LIB_PATH = $(SYBASE)/lib ##SYB_NET_LIB = $(SYB_LIB_PATH)/libtcl.a $(SYB_LIB_PATH)/libinsck.a ##SYB_CTL_LIB = $(SYB_LIB_PATH)/libct.a $(SYB_LIB_PATH)/libcs.a $(SYB_LIB_PATH)/libcomn.a ##SYB_INT_LIB = $(SYB_LIB_PATH)/libintl.a ##SYB_LIB = $(SYB_LIB_PATH)/libsybdb.a $(SYB_CTL_LIB) $(SYB_NET_LIB) $(SYB_INT_LIB) ## ORACLE SUPPORT ## ## Note that you must have an environment variable named ## 'ORACLE' defined before you try to link an Oracle ## enabled version of Appx. $ORACLE must point to your Oracle ## installation location. ## ## If you receive the following error: ## make: *** No rule to make target `/lib/liboracle.sl'. Stop. ## It probably means you don't have the ORACLE directory set correctly ## ## Oracle is a little trickier to link against - the HP/UX version ## seems to have a shared library, the AIX version does not. You ## have to select a flavor below: ## HP/UX - remove the '#'s from the following to link on HP/UX systems ## ORIO_LIB_PATH = $(ORACLE)/lib ## ORIO_LIB = $(ORIO_LIB_PATH)/liboracle.sl $(ORIO_LIB_PATH)/libocic.a ## ORIO_LIB = $(ORIO_LIB_PATH)/libserver.a $(ORIO_LIB_PATH)/libclient.a ORIO_LIB = $(ORIO_LIB_PATH)/libserver.a $(ORIO_LIB_PATH)/libclntsh.sl ## AIX - remove the '#'s from the following to link on AIX systems ## ## ORIO_LIB_PATH = $(ORACLE)/lib ## OSNT_LIB_PATH = $(ORACLE)/rdbms/lib ## ORIO_LIB = -L$(ORIO_LIB_PATH) -locic $(OSNT_LIB_PATH)/osntab.o $(ORIO_LIB_PATH)/mili.exp -lsqlnet -lora -lsqlnet -lora -lnlsrtl3 -lc3v6 -lcore3 -lnlsrtl3 -lcore3 ## Relational support ## ## If you are linking an Appx engine which should include relational ## support, enable one of the following 'rdbms = ' lines and add a '#' ## to the 'rdbms = rdbstub.o' line. #rdbms = rdbstub.o rdbms = orio.o $(ORIO_LIB) #rdbms = sbio.o $(SYB_LIB) vision = visionstub.o # Stub to use if NO Vision Interface cisam = cisamstub.o # Stub to use if NO C-ISAM LNK_FLAGS = EXE_PERMS = u+s EXE_OWNER = appx # # TARGETS: # appx: $(LIB) $(vision) $(cisam) rm -f $@ cc -o $@ $(LIB) $(vision) $(cisam) $(rdbms) $(LNK_FLAGS) -lm -lHcurses >$@-exe.L 2>&1 chmod $(EXE_PERMS) $@ su root -c "chown $(EXE_OWNER) $@" ####################################################################### ## ## Date Id Comments ## ## 06/25/93 DBC Created ## 05/20/96 KAD Added orio and sbio support ## #######################################################################</pre> ---++ Comments: _Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments._ --- <br />%COMMENT%
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