HP-UX Sybase ctlib.loc file

; comment character is semicolon.
; "ctlib.loc" - Localization file for Client-Library.
; Sccsid @(#) ctlib.loc 1.6 11/5/93
; For readability, this example is for a us_english localization file.
copyright = "Copyright (C) 1993 Sybase, Inc.\
All rights reserved.\
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the United States\
Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in\
subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical\
Data and Computer Software clause at CFR 52.227-7013.\
Sybase, Inc. 6475 Christie Avenue, Emeryville, CA 94608, USA"
; The Client-Library Default Error Messages
1 = ZZZZZ, "unable to get string due to lack of memory"
2 = ZZZZZ, "unable to get layer message string"
3 = ZZZZZ, "unable to get origin message string"
4 = ZZZZZ, "error string not available"
; The Client-Library layers.
1 = ZZZZZ, "user api layer"
2 = ZZZZZ, "user api layer"
3 = ZZZZZ, "generic protocol layer"
4 = ZZZZZ, "protocol specific layer"
5 = ZZZZZ, "network packet layer"
; The "origin of error" definitions.
1 = ZZZZZ, "external error"
2 = ZZZZZ, "internal Client Library error"
3 = ZZZZZ, "internal net library error"
4 = ZZZZZ, "internal common library error"
5 = ZZZZZ, "internal intl library error"
6 = ZZZZZ, "internal async manager error"
7 = ZZZZZ, "internal memory management error"
; The User API Layer Errors
0 = ZZZZZ, "State validation succeeded."
1 = ZZZZZ, "The information being retrieved will not fit in a buffer of %1! bytes."
2 = ZZZZZ, "Memory allocation failure."
3 = 22023, "The parameter %1! cannot be NULL."
4 = 22023, "When %1! is NULL the %2! parameter must be 0."
5 = 22023, "An illegal value of %1! given for parameter %2!."
6 = 08000, "The maximum number of connections have already been opened."
7 = ZZZZZ, "The server does not support the KEEP_CON capability."
8 = 22023, "The %1! parameter must be NULL."
9 = 22023, "The %1! parameter must be set to CS_UNUSED."
10 = 22023, "Boolean values must be set to either CS_TRUE or CS_FALSE."
11 = ZZZZZ, "A CS_SIGNAL_CB cannot be installed because the platform does not support interrupt driven network I/O."
12 = ZZZZZ, "A CS_COMPLETION_CB cannot be installed because the platform does not provide the interrupt or polling capabilities needed."
13 = ZZZZZ, "This property cannot be set after a connection to a server has been established."
14 = ZZZZZ, "This property/capability cannot be set."
15 = ZZZZZ, "It is necessary to be connected to a server in order to get this property/capability."
16 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called while results are pending for a command that has been sent to the server."
17 = 36001, "The command structure already supports a declared cursor."
18 = 24000, "A cursor must be declared before this command type can be initialized."
19 = ZZZZZ, "This routine may be called only after a CS_SEND_DATA_CMD command has been initialized."
20 = ZZZZZ, "A command must be initialized before this routine can be called."
21 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be used while a cursor is declared on the command structure."
22 = 24000, "A cursor has already been declared on this command structure."
23 = 24000, "The command cannot be initialized after the cursor has been opened."
24 = 24000, "The cursor on this command structure has already been opened."
25 = 24000, "Cursor updates and cursor deletes are not allowed after ct_fetch() returns CS_END_DATA."
26 = ZZZZZ, "A command has already been initialized on this command structure."
27 = ZZZZZ, "The initialized command cannot have parameters."
28 = ZZZZZ, "A command has already been initialized."
29 = ZZZZZ, "This type of command cannot be batched with the command already initialized on the command structure."
30 = ZZZZZ, "A row must be fetched before this routine may be used."
31 = 36001, "A cursor rows command cannot be initialized after a cursor open command has been initialized."
32 = 08000, "The connection's capabilities do not support this type of request."
33 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called after ct_results() returns a result type of CS_CURSOR_RESULT."
34 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called after ct_results() returns a result type of CS_CMD_DONE."
35 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called after ct_results() returns a result type of CS_COMPUTE_RESULT."
36 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called after ct_results() returns a result type of CS_COMPFMT_RESULT."
37 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called after ct_results() returns a result type of CS_MSG_RESULT."
38 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called after ct_results() returns a result type of CS_PARAM_RESULT."
39 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called after ct_results() returns a result type of CS_ROWFMT_RESULT."
40 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called after ct_results() returns a result type of CS_CMD_FAIL."
41 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called after ct_results() returns a result type of CS_CMD_SUCCEED."
42 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called after ct_results() returns a result type of CS_ROW_RESULT."
43 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called after ct_results() returns a result type of CS_STATUS_RESULT."
44 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called since an asynchronous operation is currently pending."
45 = ZZZZZ, "There is an internal error in the user api layer."
46 = 22023, "An illegal value of %1! was placed in the %2! field of the CS_DATAFMT structure."
47 = ZZZZZ, "When defining parameters, names must be supplied for either all of the parameters or none of the parameters."
48 = ZZZZZ, "The server does not support parameters of type %1!."
49 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called because another command structure has results pending."
50 = ZZZZZ, "The connection has been marked dead."
51 = 22023, "Exactly one of %1! and %2! must be non-NULL."
52 = ZZZZZ, "In-line error handling must be initialized with the CS_INIT operation before any other ct_diag() action may be taken."
53 = ZZZZZ, "There was not enough memory available to save messages. All previously stored messages have been cleared."
54 = ZZZZZ, "In-line error handling has already been initialized for this connection structure."
55 = ZZZZZ, "WARNING: Existing error and message handlers have been removed."
56 = ZZZZZ, "The message limit cannot be set to a value less than the number of Client-Library or server messages which are currently saved."
57 = ZZZZZ, "A result of type %1! cannot be bound to a program variable of type %2!."
58 = 22023, "The format field of the CS_DATAFMT structure must be CS_FMT_UNUSED if the datatype field is %1!."
59 = 22023, "If the buffer parameter is NULL then the %1! parameter must also be NULL."
60 = ZZZZZ, "There is a usage error. This routine has been called at an illegal time."
61 = ZZZZZ, "Item of %1! is not greater than the largest item bound."
62 = ZZZZZ, "Item %1! has already been read."
63 = ZZZZZ, "Read from the server has timed out."
64 = ZZZZZ, "The option to specify debug files is not yet supported. All debug information will be sent to stdout."
65 = ZZZZZ, "The requested type of trace information is not yet supported."
66 = ZZZZZ, "A context structure must be supplied when setting/clearing this type of debug information."
67 = ZZZZZ, "A connection structure must be supplied when setting/clearing this type of debug information."
68 = ZZZZZ, "Descriptor not found."
69 = ZZZZZ, "A descriptor of name %1! already exists on the connection"
70 = 07008, "The descriptor count of %1! is not possible because it exceeds the maximum count of %2!."
72 = ZZZZZ, "The descriptor %1! has already been associated with a command structure."
73 = 22023, "The %1! field of the CS_DATAFMT structure must be set to CS_UNUSED."
74 = 22023, "When %1! is NULL the %2! field of the CS_DATAFMT structure must be set to 0."
75 = 07001, "Inconsistent parameter settings were found for the dynamic descriptor when it was used as input parameters to a command. All descriptor values must be set."
76 = 07001, "Inconsistent parameter names were found for the dynamic descriptor when it was used as input parameters to a command. A parameter name must be supplied for all of the items or none of the items."
77 = ZZZZZ, "A dynamic descriptor is being used for input parameters; therefore ct_param() cannot be called."
78 = 02000, "There are no rows affected."
79 = 22003, "The bind of result set item %1! resulted in an overflow."
80 = ZZZZZ, "The bind of result set item %1! resulted in an underflow."
81 = ZZZZZ, "The bind of result set item %1! failed because an illegal precision value was specified."
82 = ZZZZZ, "The bind of result set item %1! failed because an illegal scale value was specified."
83 = ZZZZZ, "The bind of result set item %1! failed due to a syntax error in the source data."
84 = ZZZZZ, "The bind of result set item %1! failed due to an illegal value in the format field of a CS_DATAFMT structure."
85 = ZZZZZ, "The bind of result set item %1! failed because the source field value was not within the domain of legal values."
86 = 22012, "The bind of result set item %1! failed because of an attempt to divide by zero."
87 = ZZZZZ, "The bind of result set item %1! failed because Client-Library was unable to get a resource."
88 = ZZZZZ, "The bind of result set item %1! failed. The cause of failure is unknown."
89 = 22002, "The data for column %1! is NULL but no indicator was available."
90 = 01004, "The data for column %1! was truncated but no indicator was available."
91 = ZZZZZ, "The bind was missing for column %1!."
92 = ZZZZZ, "A CS_IODESC structure must be set with ct_data_info() before ct_send_data() can be called."
93 = ZZZZZ, "%1! bytes exceeds the amount of bytes specified for this send data operation. Only %2! more bytes can be sent."
94 = ZZZZZ, "The number of bytes specified for this send data operation have not been sent. %1! more bytes need to be sent."
95 = 22001, "The value %1! was truncated."
96 = ZZZZZ, "No browse information exists."
97 = ZZZZZ, "A CS_IODESC can only be retrieved for text or image columns. Column %1! is not a text or image column."
98 = ZZZZZ, "A CS_IODESC cannot be retrieved for a column that has not been read. Column %1! has not been read."
99 = 0A000, "Capabilities cannot be set after a connection has been established."
100 = ZZZZZ, "Request capabilities cannot be set."
101 = ZZZZZ, "There was a failure initializing the Client-Libray error cache."
102 = 0A000, "This option is not supported by server."
103 = ZZZZZ, "This routine can be called only if the CS_HIDDEN_KEYS property has been set to CS_TRUE."
104 = ZZZZZ, "This message should not be seen."
105 = ZZZZZ, "There was an unexpected failure while retrieving key data."
106 = ZZZZZ, "Column %1! is not a key column."
107 = ZZZZZ, "Column %1! is not nullable. The key data for a column can be set to NULL only if the column accepts NULL values."
108 = ZZZZZ, "The key data supplied for column %1! exceeds the maximum length defined for the column."
109 = ZZZZZ, "There was an unexpected failure while setting key data."
110 = 07008, "A valid count does not exist for the descriptor."
111 = ZZZZZ, "This message should not be seen."
112 = 00000, "%1! rows affected."
113 = ZZZZZ, "The command structure given to this routine contains notification data or extended error data. This routine does not accept such a command structure."
114 = ZZZZZ, "Extended error data does not exist for message %1!."
115 = ZZZZZ, "A remote password cannot be set when a connection to a server exists."
116 = ZZZZZ, "The server name/password combination supplied exceeds the 255 byte limit enforced by Client-Library."
117 = ZZZZZ, "The CS_DISABLE_POLL property must be set to CS_FALSE when this routine is called."
118 = ZZZZZ, "Unable to open file %1!."
119 = 22023, "The data must be NULL when defining CS_INPUTVALUE parameters for a ct_cursor(CS_CURSOR_DECLARE) command."
120 = 22023, "The buffer must be NULL when the current result set consists of format information only."
121 = ZZZZZ, "There is no data associated with descriptor item %1!."
122 = ZZZZZ, "Results are currently being fetched into this descriptor. A descriptor count of %1! is less than the result set size of %2!."
123 = ZZZZZ, "A descriptor has already been specified for the current command."
124 = ZZZZZ, "ct_param() has already been used to define parameters for the command."
125 = ZZZZZ, "A descriptor of size %1! is not large enough for a result set of size %2!."
126 = ZZZZZ, "Another command structure is using the descriptor."
127 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called if ct_bind() has already been called for the result set."
128 = 22023, "The datatype field of a CS_IODESC must be set to either CS_TEXT_TYPE or CS_IMAGE_TYPE."
129 = 22023, "An invalid locale was supplied in the %1! structure."
130 = 22023, "An invalid precision or scale in the CS_NUMERIC or CS_DECIMAL value was supplied."
131 = ZZZZZ, "A memory pool cannot be set or cleared if open connections exist on the context structure."
132 = 22001, "The bind of result set item %1! resulted in truncation."
133 = 02000, "No rows are affected. More result sets will follow."
134 = ZZZZZ, "The specified id already exists on this connection."
135 = ZZZZZ, "The specified id does not exist on this connection."
136 = 22023, "A string of length 0 is not allowed for parameter %1!."
137 = ZZZZZ, "A bind count of %1! is not consistent with the count supplied for existing binds. The current bind count is %2!."
138 = ZZZZZ, "A data length of %1! exceeds the maximum length allowed for %2! data."
139 = ZZZZZ, "Setting the precision or scale to CS_SRC_VALUE is allowed only if the corresponding result set column is of type numeric or decimal."
140 = ZZZZZ, "Scale cannot be set greater than precision."
141 = 22023, "%1! must be 0 or CS_UNUSED when %2! is NULL."
142 = ZZZZZ, "This property can be used only in the appropriate Client-Library callback. This property cannot be used in main-line code."
143 = ZZZZZ, "The maximum number of connections cannot be set to a value less than the number of currently existing connections."
144 = ZZZZZ, "This property can be used only if a cursor exists on the command structure."
145 = ZZZZZ, "This property cannot be set when the command structure has results pending or has an open cursor."
146 = ZZZZZ, "The CS_LOCALE structure supplied is not valid."
147 = ZZZZZ, "This routine can be used only with the debug version of Client-Library."
148 = ZZZZZ, "The Client-Library async manager was not able to continue. This connection has been marked dead."
149 = ZZZZZ, "The current row's key has been partially set with ct_keydata(). Every key column must be set with ct_keydata() before this operation can continue."
150 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called because the context structure is in an undefined state. This is probably due to a ct_exit() failure."
151 = ZZZZZ, "A connection to the server must exist on the connection structure before this routine can be called."
152 = ZZZZZ, "A command structure must be supplied for a CS_CANCEL_CURRENT operation."
153 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called when a connection to a server exists on the CS_CONNECTION structure."
154 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called because the connection structure is in an undefined state."
155 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called when the command structure is idle."
156 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called when a command has been initialized but not sent."
157 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called until ct_results() has been called for the command that was sent to the server."
158 = ZZZZZ, "This routine can be called only if fetchable results are available to be read."
159 = ZZZZZ, "This routine can be called only if the command structure is idle."
160 = ZZZZZ, "This routine can be called only if the cursor rows are available to be read."
161 = ZZZZZ, "This routine can be called only if regular row results are available."
162 = ZZZZZ, "A receive passthru operation is not legal while the connection is in the middle of processing results in the standard manner."
163 = 21000, "This routine cannot be called until all fetchable results have been completely processed."
164 = ZZZZZ, "This routine can be called only if compute results are available."
165 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called when a nested cursor command is initialized."
166 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called while the results of a nested cursor command are not completely processed."
167 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called because the command structure is in an undefined state."
168 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called because a receive passthru operation is in progress on this command structure."
169 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called because a send passthru operation is in progress on this command structure."
170 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called after ct_results() returns a result type of CS_DESCRIBE_RESULT."
171 = 24000, "A cursor must be opened before this command type can be initialized."
172 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called because the CS_COMMAND structure is in the middle of a send data operation."
173 = ZZZZZ, "A return status of CS_PENDING must be returned from a completion callback if additional async operations have been initiated."
174 = ZZZZZ, "A context structure must be supplied when setting/clearing this type of callback."
175 = ZZZZZ, "There is not a callback handler installed for signal %1!."
176 = ZZZZZ, "The server does not support null parameters of type %1!."
177 = 22023, "The length of the null-terminated string parameter %1! exceeds the maxium length allowed."
178 = ZZZZZ, "This routine cannot be called until at least one call to ct_send_data() has been made."
179 = 24000, "A cursor row must be fetched before this command can be initialized."
180 = ZZZZZ, "This command must come immediately after a CS_CURSOR_DECLARE command has been initialized."
181 = 24000, "This command is not allowed when the cursor is closed."
182 = 24000, "This command is not allowed after all the cursor's rows have been fetched."
; The Generic Protocol Layer Errors
; The TDS Layer Errors
1 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. Premature end of the datastream was encountered."
2 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An illegal tds version was received."
3 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An illegal login status was received."
4 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. There are too many bytes in the datastream."
5 = ZZZZZ, "memory allocation failure."
6 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. Duplicate ALT ID was seen while processing results."
7 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. Invalid ALT operator was seen while processing results."
8 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. Invalid ALT id was seen while processing results."
9 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. Invalid ALT column count was seen while processing results."
10 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. Invalid column number was seen while processing results."
11 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. Invalid table index was seen while processing results."
12 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An illegal browse status was received."
13 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An illegal capability type was received."
14 = 34000, "There is a tds protocol error. An invalid cursor name was received."
15 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. A duplicate cursor id was received."
16 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An invalid cursor id was received."
17 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An invalid cursor row count was received."
18 = 24000, "There is a tds protocol error. An invalid cursor status was received."
19 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An invalid done status was received."
20 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An illegal DONEINPROC token stream was received."
21 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An invalid dynamic status was received."
22 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An invalid dynamic statement length was received."
23 = 07000, "There is a tds protocol error. An invalid dynamic type was received."
24 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An invalid dynamic id was received."
25 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An invalid packet size was received."
26 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An illegal ENVCHANGE type was received."
27 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An invalid message status was received."
28 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An illegal token was received."
29 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An invalid option command was received."
30 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An invalid option type was received."
31 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An invalid orderby stream was received."
32 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. A PARAMFMT was received with no parameters specified."
33 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An invalid PARAMFMT stream was received."
34 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. A ROWFMT was received with no columns specified."
35 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An invalid ROWFMT stream was received."
36 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds state machine error. An illegal tds token sequence was received."
37 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds state machine error. Attempted operation with results pending. This is an internal error."
38 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds login error. Illegal number of parameters seen during negotiation."
39 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An invalid message id was received during login negotiation."
40 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An invalid column status was received."
41 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An invalid datatype was received."
42 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An invalid numeric precision was received."
43 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds protocol error. An invalid numeric scale was received."
44 = 08001, "The attempt to connect to the server failed."
45 = ZZZZZ, "There is an internal tds layer error. Access to the row buffer manager failed."
46 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds login error. An attempt was made by the server to encrypt a password, but no encryption handler was installed."
47 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds login error. The installed encryption handler returned a status that was not CS_SUCCEED."
48 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds login error. An attempt was made by the server to issue a security challenge, but no challenge handler was installed."
49 = ZZZZZ, "There is a tds login error. The installed challenge handler returned a status that was not CS_SUCCEED."
50 = ZZZZZ, "There is an internal tds layer error. An error was returned from the server while processing an internal tds stream."
51 = ZZZZZ, "There is an internal tds layer error. An unexpected error was returned from common library."
52 = ZZZZZ, "There is an internal tds layer error. An unexpected error was returned from the async manager."
; The Network Layer Errors
1 = 01002, "There was an error encountered while closing the connection."
2 = ZZZZZ, "There was an error encountered while releasing the address."
3 = ZZZZZ, "There was an error encountered while resolving the address."
4 = 08001, "There was an error encountered while establishing the connection."
5 = ZZZZZ, "There was an error encountered while executing the expedited write."
6 = ZZZZZ, "There was an error while executing the network read."
7 = ZZZZZ, "There was an error while executing the network write."
8 = ZZZZZ, "There was an error encountered while opening the address dictionary."
9 = ZZZZZ, "There was an error encountered while closing the address dictionary."
10 = ZZZZZ, "A read was attempted on a connection already executing a read."
11 = ZZZZZ, "A write was attempted on a connection already executing a write."
12 = ZZZZZ, "State error: trying to write when connection is expecting a read."
13 = ZZZZZ, "State error: trying to read when connection is expecting a write."
14 = ZZZZZ, "Buffer is too small to fit a whole packet."
15 = ZZZZZ, "Reading from the network while there remains unprocessed data from the last read."
16 = ZZZZZ, "There was an error encountered while getting the address information."
17 = ZZZZZ, "There was an error encountered while getting the address property."
18 = ZZZZZ, "There is a protocol packet error. An illegal length was received"
128 = ZZZZZ, "There was an error encountered while initializing network options recordkeeping."
129 = ZZZZZ, "There was an error encountered while setting a network option."
130 = ZZZZZ, "unused."
131 = ZZZZZ, "There was an error encountered while initializing Net-Library."
132 = ZZZZZ, "There was an error encountered while initializing Net-Library engine."
133 = ZZZZZ, "There was an error encountered while setting Net-Library callback."
134 = ZZZZZ, "There was an error encountered while exiting Net-Library engine."
135 = ZZZZZ, "There was an error encountered while exiting Net-Library."
136 = ZZZZZ, "There was an error encountered while setting Net-Library callback mode."
137 = ZZZZZ, "There was an error encountered while chaining signals in Net-Library."


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