Developer Tips

GOSUBs and SUBRoutines

An explanation of how APPX handles GOSUB statements that call SUBRoutine processes.

Using OUTPUTs Instead of UPDATEs

A discussion of the advantages of using OUTPUT processes instead of UPDATEs for posts and similar activities.

Converting Arrays to Scalar Data

A method for converting an Array (multi-occurence data) to Scalar (single-occurence data)

Running Windows Functions from APPX

A collection of instructions and hints for the execution of Windows functions from within APPX.

Displaying Date/Time Stamps

Instructions on how to display User/Date Stamps in your applications

Calling Inquiries from Scrolling INPUTs

Instructions on how to tie an existing Inquiry process to a Scrolling Input as an Automatic (or Optional) Child

Importing Consecutive Files

A variety of methods for importing data from external consecutive files into APPX.

APPX Process Stack

The list of current processes that have called each other is called a "Process Stack". This document describes the Process Stack, how to view it, and what it means.

The Pre-Display/Verify Event Point

A discussion on the use of the Pre-Display/Verify Event Point, and how it compares and contrasts with the individual Pre-Display Event Point and the Verify Event Point.

Copying Files Between Databases

Instructions on copying all (or some) records from a file in one database into the same file in another database.

Calling Windows API Functions

Describes in detail the use of PASS and CALL statements to access WIN32 functions from APPX subroutines.

The Use Of Cached Files

APPX 4.1 introduced the ability to create and access a cached instance of a file in memory. This document describes how to take advantage of this feature, and the statements required to do so.

Accessing Query Parameters

The Query specifications used to produce a report are stored in three memory files. This document describes their structure and how to modify and use their values.

Keystroke Recording & Playback

APPX 3.x provides the ability to record (and playback) Keystroke and Process logs. You can set up an environmental variable to record Keystrokes and Processes.

Dynamic Linking and the CALL Statement

An overview of APPX 3.4's approach to calling External Functions, Dynamic Linking, and related topics.

APPX QUERY Report Writer

APPX Query is an enduser oriented Report Generator, included with APPX. It allows endusers to define their own reports, without programmer assistance. This document steps you through the process of configuring the APPX Query environment.

Scoping Rules - Subprocess/Related/Detached

There are three levels of Scoping: SUBPROCESS, RELATED, and DETACHED. 'Scoping' refers to what workfields and temporary files (both disk and memory) are available to a given process.

Runtime (,RT_) Calls

These are UNSUPPORTED features used to call operating system functions, and they may be changed or removed at any time. Although these may give you information useful towards fulfilling your needs, APPX Software is not responsible for the maintenance or support of these functions.


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-- ChrisBrower - 2011-06-07

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Topic revision: r5 - 2012-02-29 - ChrisBrower
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