This subroutine allows you to write a free format messages to the debug log. This is only useful when working with the Data API (Release 5.5.0 & higher)


      PASS         <debug_message>            FIELD            SHARE? N
      GOSUB    --- .DATA DEBUG LOG


This subroutine allows you to write messages to the Data API log file. APPX_DATASVC_LOG must be pointing to a writable file

<debug_message> is the message you want to write to the log. You can execute multiple PASS statements and the text will be concatenated into one log entry. Each log entry is date/time stamped.


-- Jean Neron - 2020-03-03

This topic: Main > WebHome > FullAPIList > 0LASubrDataDebugLog
Topic revision: r2 - 2020-03-04 - JeanNeron
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