Difference: UnicodeIFStmt (8 vs. 9)

Revision 92011-03-24 - JeanNeron

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META TOPICPARENT name="UnicodeTestPlan"

IF / AND / OR Statements

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  1. Unicode 'B' is GE raw 'A'. Wrong, it's GT, but not GE. Same problem if you reverse Unicode & Raw operands.
  2. Unicode 'A' is LE raw 'B'. Wrong, it's LT, but not LE. Same problem if you reverse Unicode & Raw operands.
  3. National Fields have the same problems as 8 & 9, report LE/GE as true when it's only LT/GT.
  1. Unicode to Literal, same as 8,9,10, reports LE/GE when should just be GT/LT. Comparing literal \u03A3 to U+0385, or comparing U+03a3 to 'Testing'.

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  1. Unicode to Literal, same as 8,9,10, reports LE/GE when should just be GT/LT. Comparing literal \u03A3 to U+0385, or comparing U+03a3 to 'Testing'.
  2. National to Literal, same as 8,9,10, reports LE/GE when should be just GT/LT. Comparing National "A" to \u0024 ($), reports "A" is GE "$".

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