Difference: UnicodeIFStmt (15 vs. 16)

Revision 162011-04-23 - KorryD

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META TOPICPARENT name="UnicodeTestPlan"

IF / AND / OR Statements

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  The GE/GT/LE/LT operators should use the Unicode collation API when UTF-32 operands are involved. This is because the 32-bit values that represent UTF-32 characters may not necessarily correspond to the expected collating sequence.
The RI/RS operators expect that the operands will be 8-bit RAW Alpha characters. If UTF-32 operands are specified in conjunction with these operators, they will need to be transcoded to the 8859-1 encoding used by a RAW Alpha field before the statement can be executed. If any character values are encountered that cannot be represented by an 8859-1 encoding, a data exception should occur.
The RI/RS operators expect that the operands will be 8-bit RAW Alpha characters. If UTF-32 operands are specified in conjunction with these operators, they will need to be transcoded to the 8859-1 encoding used by a RAW Alpha field before the statement can be executed. If any character values are encountered that cannot be represented by an 8859-1 encoding, a data exception should occur.

NOTE: The RI and RS operators do not function as described in the previous paragraph. Instead, the pattern and the search string are both converted to UTF-32 (if necessary) and the regular expression is evaluated in Unicode form (KAD).

  The following applies to all operators other than RS/RI:
  • RAW alpha or Group compared with RAW Alpha, Group, or Literal:
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