Difference: UnicodeIFStmt (16 vs. 17)

Revision 172011-05-16 - JeanNeron

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META TOPICPARENT name="UnicodeTestPlan"

IF / AND / OR Statements

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  1. Compiler does not flag Group field to National comparison as an error * FIXED * April 5 engine
  2. Executing an IF .. RS/RI with Unicode or National fields causes process to abort. 2nd attempt causes session to crash. *FIXED * April 5 engine
  3. Not sure if this is a bug or not: If I compare 2 raw alphas, then 'a' is GT 'A', as per the ASCII table. If I compare raw 'a' to Unicode 'A', then the opposite is true. It this because the raw was transcoded to unicode, and then the Unicode collating sequence was used, which puts the lower case before the upper case?
  1. IF .. RS/RI .. always returns False. Example, IF Testing RI ING returns T under 4.2.a, F under unicode. Tested with Unicode and Raw fields, same result.
  1. IF .. RS/RI .. always returns False. Example, IF Testing RI ING returns T under 4.2.a, F under unicode. Tested with Unicode and Raw fields, same result. * FIXED * Tested ok with April 24 engine.
  1. Does not give transcode error as expected. The specs say National/Unicode fields should be transcoded down to 8859-1 first. Or does this mean Regular Expressions will work with Unicode, and don't have to be transcoded? ** Correct, RS/RI should work with Unicode fields (but don't, see #7 above).
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