Difference: Appx550FeaturesAppDesign (18 vs. 19)

Revision 192020-07-27 - BrianRyan

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.Appx550Features"

APPX 5.5.0 Features - Application Design

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  • The .ENV GET SCREEN SIZE API was returning a row count three rows higher than the actual row setting. This bug has been fixed, so if you were manually compensating for this by subtracting 3 from the returned value, you no longer need to do this.
  • The runtime processes for Disposition, Sort Order, Record Selection, etc. have been updated. If you have hooked these processes, make sure your hooks still work. You may want to consider reprogramming your hooks to take advantage of any new features, such as emailing a report.

Data API

The Data API provides a set of tools you can use to have your APPX applications respond to web based queries. See this page for installation and configuration.

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  • TSMC: enable/disable column movement by mouse drag
  • TSTS: Show/Hide table search icon. Valid values: T, F.
  • TSTRF: Show/Hide table refresh icon. Valid values: T, F.
  • TSHB: Show/Hids table column heading bar. Valid values T,F (Implemented: html client as of 5.5.0/Java client as of 5.5.1).
 If you click the 'Cell Properties' button, you will see:


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New API’s

A number of new APIs have been added:

  • Set file specifications - https://wiki.appx.com/wiki/bin/view/Main/0LASubrFileSetSpecs
  • Archive security codes - https://wiki.appx.com/wiki/bin/view/Main/0LASubrUtilSecrSave
  • Restore security codes - https://wiki.appx.com/wiki/bin/view/Main/0LASubrUtilSecrRest
  • Convert HTML to text - https://wiki.appx.com/wiki/bin/view/Main/0LASubrConvertHtmlToText
  • Send an Email - https://wiki.appx.com/wiki/bin/view/Main/0LASubrUtilEmail
  • Set file specifications - https://wiki.appx.com/wiki/bin/view/Main/0LASubrFileSetSpecs
  • Archive security codes - https://wiki.appx.com/wiki/bin/view/Main/0LASubrUtilSecrSave
  • Restore security codes - https://wiki.appx.com/wiki/bin/view/Main/0LASubrUtilSecrRest
  • Convert HTML to text - https://wiki.appx.com/wiki/bin/view/Main/0LASubrConvertHtmlToText
  • Send an Email - https://wiki.appx.com/wiki/bin/view/Main/0LASubrUtilEmail
 Sending an email relies on the public domain mail client 'mutt'. If you do not already use a command line emailer you will have to install 'mutt' on your server. If you have your own command line email program you can hook the APPX routine and use your own. Instructions for this are on the wiki.
Change Password Process for APPX Authentication
Change Password Process for APPX Authentication
  If you are using APPX Authentication you can use the input process USER - CHANGE PASSWORD in 0LC as a template. For example, this could be used to allow a user to change their own password. You can copy the process and add your own password strength rules in addition to what is already there.
Default rows/cols from env or current settings
Default rows/cols from env or current settings
  When adding a new Input process the rows and columns will now default from the environment variables APPX_SCREEN_ROWS and APPX_SCREEN_COLS. If those are not set then your current rows & columns will be used.

Improved performance of Cross Reference Utilities

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 We welcome any suggestions on improving this interface.

Beta Warning

To ensure users know they're running a 'beta' (pre-release) version of the APPX engine, a warning message will be displayed on the splash screen of their GUI client reminding them of that usage. If desired, this behavior can be overridden (the splash screen message suppressed) by setting the new environment variable 'APPX_NO_BETA_WARNING'.
To ensure users know they're running a 'beta' (pre-release) version of the APPX engine, a warning message will be displayed on the splash screen of their GUI client reminding them of that usage. If desired, this behavior can be overridden (the splash screen message suppressed) by setting the new environment variable 'APPX_NO_BETA_WARNING'. (Implemented: 5.5.1)
  -- BrianRyan - 2020-07-06




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