Difference: APPX500WindowsUpgradeInstallation (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52009-12-08 - GaryRogers

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META TOPICPARENT name="APPX500InstallationInstructions"

APPX Windows- APPX 5 Upgrade Instructions

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Warning - These instructions specifically apply to upgrading from APPX 4.2.a to APPX 5. If you are upgrading from an older release of APPX, these instructions may not be applicable. You should consider upgrading to APPX 4.2.a first and then upgrading to APPX 5.
Warning - These instructions specifically apply to upgrading from APPX 4.2.a to APPX 5. If you are upgrading from an older release of APPX you must upgrade to APPX 4.2.a first and then upgrade to APPX 5.
  To upgrade your existing APPX Windows installation from APPX 4.2.a to APPX 5, you must complete the following steps:
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Convert Your System Administration Files

The first step of upgrading your APPX 4.2.a installation to APPX 5 is to convert your System Administration files to the new APPX 5 format. The System Administration files for APPX 4.2.a are not compatible with APPX 5 and must be converted to the APPX 5 format.
The first step of upgrading your APPX 4.2.a installation to APPX 5 is to convert your System Administration files to the new APPX 5 format. The System Administration files for APPX 4.2.a are not compatible with APPX 5 and must be converted to the APPX 5 format. Follow the directions below to convert your System Administration files.

Install the Upgrade Application

Two different methods are provided to install the upgrade application on Windows. There is a GUI installer and a Console Mode (character mode) installer. Most sites will use the GUI Installer, the character mode installer is intended for sites using Windows Core Server (Windows without a GUI). The same installer is used for both methods. The installer will automatically detect if it is being run as a command or from a GUI Desktop, although in some cases you may have to add "-c" to the command line to force the character installer. Regardless of which installation method is used, the result is the same.

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  After executing the above command, users should be able to use the APPX 5.0.0 Desktop Client to successfully login on port 8060. For additional information on managing APPX Login Services, please refer to the complete documentation.

Final Tasks

  1. Create the new System Administration files ("System Administration/File Management/System Admin Files" on pull down menu).
  1. Upgrade Design Files
    • Remove the Structure files for each application
    • Run Create Files for each application
    • Run 'Sync Widget Elements' for each application. This is optional, as APPX will force you to do this the first time you go into an application after installing Release 5.0
    • Run 'Load Initial Audit History' for each application. This is optional, as APPX will automatically build the history as you make changes to your application. For example, the first time you go into INPUTs, APPX will see that the audit history is missing and it will create it as it reads the input process records. Regardless of whether you run this, APPX will start keeping a detailed audit history of changes in applications from this point on. However, you should decide now whether to run this step now or not. If audit information already exists in the audit file when you run this step, it will duplicate the data.
  1. Create the new System Administration files ("System Administration/File Management/System Admin Files" on pull down menu).
  1. Install the new APPX Desktop Client for all users
  2. Configure new features as desired


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