Difference: APPX500WindowsUpgradeInstallation (9 vs. 10)

Revision 102010-07-08 - JeanNeron

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="APPX500InstallationInstructions"

APPX Windows- APPX 5 Upgrade Instructions

Line: 172 to 172
    • Remove the Structure files for each of your applications. It is not necessary to do this to the applications supplied with Appx (0AD, 0LA, 0DB, 0SA, 1EX, DMO, etc)
    • Run Create Files for each of your applications
    • Run 'Sync Widget Elements' for each of your applications. This is optional, as APPX will force you to do this the first time you go into an application after installing Release 5.0
    • Run 'Load Initial Audit History' for each of your applications. This is optional, as APPX will automatically build the history as you make changes to your application. For example, the first time you go into INPUTs, APPX will see that the audit history is missing and it will create it as it reads the input process records. Regardless of whether you run this, APPX will start keeping a detailed audit history of changes in applications from this point on. However, you should decide now whether to run this step now or not. If audit information already exists in the audit file when you run this step, it will duplicate the data.
    • Run 'Load Initial Audit History' for each of your applications. This is optional, as APPX will automatically build the history as you make changes to your application. For example, the first time you go into INPUTs, APPX will see that the audit history is missing and it will create it as it reads the input process records. Regardless of whether you run this, APPX will start keeping a detailed audit history of changes in applications from this point on. However, you should decide now whether to run this step now or not. If audit information already exists in the audit file when you run this step, it will duplicate the data
  1. If you are using Custom Fonts in your applications (i.e., bar codes, etc) follow these steps, otherwise they will not print.
  1. Install the new APPX Desktop Client for all users
  2. Configure new features as desired


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