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Revision 32013-09-30 - JeanNeron

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Data Exchange Application

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 The application allows the user to define 'maps' that map the external data to Appx files or fields. Once the map is defined, there are 2 steps required to import data:

  • The incoming file must be 'Processed' by the 0DX application. For XML files, this means extracting all tags and data elements and storing them in internal Appx files. More than one file can be processed at once, and the user will see a list of the processed files awaiting import.
  • The 'import' subroutine must be run. This is a subroutine (created by 0DX based on the mapping) that will read the internal files and move the data to the final files and fields based on the user defined mapping. Alternatively, an external Appx process can read the extracted data & process it without defining a mapping or creating a subroutine.
  • The 'import' subroutine must be run. This is a subroutine (created by 0DX based on the mapping) that will read the internal files and move the data to the final files and fields based on the user defined mapping.
Alternatively, an external Appx process can read the extracted data & process it without defining a mapping or creating a subroutine.
 An API allows a programmer to perform one or both of those steps under ILF control. Mapping the data is optional, the programmer can just use the API to process the file and then read the extracted data directly.

When defining the mapping, the user can enter the tags directly or they can choose to process an actual XML file first, and then refer to the tags found in that XML file in their mapping. This is often easier, as the user will be able to see the actual tags and the data associated with the tag.

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 The easiest way to understand how to 0DX is to work through an example. In the DMO application, run the Job called EXPORT PROSPECTS/CONTACTS. On the disposition screen, make sure you choose a form with a page length of zero, otherwise the XML file will not import completely. This will export the Prospect and Contact Data from DMO in a simple XML format and upload it to your desktop as PROSPECT.XML. We will use this file for the tutorial.

The first step is to define our mapping using Mapping Files and Fields.

Once you have created a mapping, you can import the data using the Import Data option.


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