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TWiki Variables » Search » Category: Formatting & Rendering

Variables in this category:

AQUA -- start aqua colored text

BB -- bullet with line break

BB2 -- level 2 bullet with line break

BB3 -- level 3 bullet with line break

BB4 -- level 4 bullet with line break

BLACK -- start black colored text

BLUE -- start blue colored text

BR -- line break

BROWN -- start brown colored text

BUBBLESIG -- show bubble box and user signature with profile picture icon

  • Syntax: %BUBBLESIG{WikiName}% or %BUBBLESIG{WikiName - YYYY-MM-DD}%
  • The parameter can be either just the WikiName of a user, or by convention the WikiName followed by a dash and the date
  • Example:
    -- %BUBBLESIG{TWikiGuest - 2024-10-22}%
  • Expands to:
    -- TWiki Guest - 2024-10-22
  • Category: EditingAndContentUpdateVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables, UsersAndAuthenticationVariables
  • Related: USERREPORT, USERSIG, UserList, UserReports (this topic)

BULLET -- bullet sign

CARET -- caret symbol

COLORPICKER{} -- color picker for use in HTML forms for TWiki applications

COPY -- Copyright symbol

DASHBOARD -- build a dashboard with banner and boxes

DATEPICKER{} -- pop-up calendar to select a date for use in HTML forms

  • The %DATEPICKER{}% variable is handled by the DatePickerPlugin.
  • Syntax: %DATEPICKER{ name="..." value="..." }%
  • Parameters:
    Parameter Description Default Example
    name Name of input field.
    φ: No output is shown if the name parameter is missing, but the CSS and Javascript are loaded.
    (requiredφ) name="Start"
    value Initial date value. "" (today) value="2012-12-31"
    format Format of resulting date value.
    %a - abbreviated weekday name
    %A - full weekday name
    %b - abbreviated month name
    %B - full month name
    %C - century number
    %d - the day of the month (00 ... 31)
    %e - the day of the month (0 ... 31)
    %H - hour (00 ... 23)
    %I - hour (01 ... 12)
    %j - day of the year ( 000 ... 366)
    %k - hour (0 ... 23)
    %l - hour (1 ... 12)
    %m - month (01 ... 12)
    %M - minute (00 ... 59)
    %n - a newline character
    %p - "PM" or "AM"
    %P - "pm" or "am"
    %S - second (00 ... 59)
    %s - number of seconds since Epoch (since Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 UTC)
    %t - a tab character
    %U, %W, %V - the week number. The week 01 is the week that has the Thursday in the current year, which is equivalent to the week that contains the fourth day of January. Weeks start on Monday.
    %u - the day of the week (1 ... 7, 1 = MON)
    %w - the day of the week (0 ... 6, 0 = SUN)
    %y - year without the century (00 ... 99)
    %Y - year including the century (ex. 2012)
    %% - a literal % character
    "%Y-%m-%d" format="%e %b %Y"
    id ID of input field, optional. "id_" + name id="idStart"
    size Size of input field, in number of characters. (calculated as needed) size="12"
    class CSS class of input field. "twikiInputField" class="dateField"
    Additional HTML input field attributes, such as alt, disabled, maxlength, onblur, onchange, onfocus, readonly, style, tabindex, title    
  • Example:
    <form action="...">
    %DATEPICKER{ name="Start_Date" }%
  • Expands to:
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, DatabaseAndFormsVariables, DateAndTimeVariables, EditingAndContentUpdateVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables, UIAndVisualizationVariables
  • Related: DatePickerPlugin, TWikiForms (this topic)

ENDBG -- end background color section

ENDCOLOR -- end colored text

ENTITY{string} -- encode a string to HTML entities

  • Encode "special" characters to HTML entities. Useful to encode text properly for HTML input fields.
  • Encoded characters:
    • all non-printable ASCII characters below space, including newline ("\n") and linefeed ("\r")
    • Space
    • HTML special characters "<", ">", "&", single quote (') and double quote (")
    • TWiki special characters "%", "[", "]", "@", "_", "*", "=" and "|"
  • Syntax: %ENTITY{string}%
  • Example: %ENTITY{text with "quotes" and
    expands to text&#32;with&#32;&#34;quotes&#34;&#32;and&#10;newline
  • Notes:
    • To protect against cross-site scripting (XSS), always entity encode text intended for HTML input fields. This is especially true if text is received dynamically via URLPARAM or the like.
      Example: <input type="text" name="address" value="%ENTITY{any text}%" />
    • %ENTITY{string}% is roughly equivalent to %ENCODE{ "string" type="html" }%, but the latter cannot handle strings that have double quotes embedded in it.
  • Category: DevelopmentVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables, ExportAndPublishingVariables

GRAY -- start gray colored text

GREEN -- start green colored text

GROUPS -- a formatted list of groups

  • Expands to a formatted list of user groups in your TWiki. The variable is intended to be used in TWikiGroups, to allow a group listing for various user mapping managers.
  • Syntax: %GROUPS{"format" ...}%
  • Supported parameters:
    Parameter: Description: Default:
    header="" Table header. Standard format tokens are expanded. To omit the header, specify an empty value or "none". "| *Group* | *Members* |"
    format="" Format of one row, may include tokens:
    $group - topic name of group
    $grouplink - link to group
    $members - list of members, up to limit
    standard format tokens
    "| $grouplink | $members |"
    separator="" Line separator. Standard format tokens are expanded. "$n" (newline)
    memberlimit="" Truncate member list. Specify "all" for full list. "32"
    memberformat="" Format of one member, may include tokens:
    $wikiusername - Web.TopicName of user
    $wikiname - TopicName of user
    memberseparator="" Separator for members. Standard format tokens are expanded. ", "
    sort="on" By default, the members of a group are listed in the same order as in the definition in the group topic. With this parameter, members are listed in the alphabetical order of their wiki names. "off"
  • Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables

H -- help icon

HIDE{text} -- hide content in topic view

  • Text inside the HIDE is removed when viewing the topic. This can be used to remove large amounts of text from being sent to the browser, such as the user list in Main.TWikiUsers if there are many thousands of users.
  • Syntax: %HIDE{ any text }%
  • Expands to: (empty string)
  • Notes:
    • Using HIDE is not a replacement for access control, because edit and raw view still show the content.
    • Variables inside HIDE still get expanded because variables execute inside out, e.g. you can't use it to speed up slow variables.
    • <!-- HTML comments --> also hide content from the user, but unlike HIDE, HTML comments are sent to the browser.
  • Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables
  • Related: HIDEINPRINT, NOP, STARTSECTION (this topic)

HIDEINPRINT{text} -- hide content when printing

I -- idea icon

ICON{"name"} -- small documentation graphic or icon of common attachment types

  • Generates the HTML img tag of a small graphic image attached to TWikiDocGraphics. Images typically have a 16x16 pixel size. You can select a specific image by name, or you can give a full file path or URL, in which case the type of the file will be used to select one of a collection of common file type icons.
  • Syntax: %ICON{"name"}%
  • Supported parameters:
    Parameter: Description: Default:
    "name" Name of icon required
    format="..." Format of icon. Supported variables (with Person %ICON{"person"}% example):
    $name - name of icon (person)
    $type - type of icon (gif)
    $filename - icon filename (person.gif)
    $web - web where icon is defined (TWiki)
    $topic - topic where icon is defined (TWikiDocGraphics)
    $description - icon description (Person)
    $width - width of icon ('16')
    $height - height of icon ('16')
    $img - full img tag of icon (<img src="... />)
    $info - icon tag with usage info in title
    $url - URL of icon (http://example.com/pub/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/person.gif)
    $urlpath - URL path of icon (/pub/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/person.gif)
    default="else" Alternate icon if named icon is not defined default="$name"
  • Examples:
    • %ICON{"flag-gray"}% returns: Gray flag
    • %ICON{"pdf"}% returns: PDF
    • %ICON{"smile.pdf"}% returns: PDF
    • %ICON{"/home/sweet/home.pdf"}% returns: PDF
    • %ICON{"http://twiki.org/doc/xhtml.xsl"}% returns: XSL (XML style sheet)
    • %ICON{"bubble" format="$description icon is defined in $web.$topic"}% returns: Speech bubble icon is defined in TWikiDocGraphics
  • Graphic samples: Arrow blue right arrowbright, Speech bubble bubble, Yes / Done choice-yes, Pointing hand hand
  • File type samples: Bitmap bmp, Microsoft Word file doc, GIF gif, Standard help file hlp, HTML html, Waveform sound file mp3, PDF pdf, PowerPoint ppt, Text txt, Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet xls, XML xml, Compressed Zip archive zip
  • Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables
  • Related: ICONURL, ICONURLPATH, TWikiPreferences, FileAttachments, TWikiDocGraphics (this topic)

ICONURL{"name"} -- URL of small documentation graphic or icon

  • Generates the full URL of a TWikiDocGraphics image, which TWiki renders as an image. The related %ICON{"name"}% generates the full HTML img tag. Specify image name or full filename (see ICON for details on filenames.)
  • Syntax: %ICONURL{"name"}%
  • Examples:
    • %ICONURL{"arrowbright"}% returns https://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/arrowbright.gif
    • %ICONURL{"novel.pdf"}% returns https://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/pdf.gif
    • %ICONURL{"/queen/boheme.mp3"}% returns https://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/wav.gif
  • Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables
  • Related: ICONURLPATH, ICON, TWikiPreferences, FileAttachments, TWikiDocGraphics (this topic)

ICONURLPATH{"name"} -- URL path of small documentation graphic or icon

JQENDTAB -- end a JQuery tab within a tab pane

JQENDTABPANE -- end a JQuery tab pane

JQTAB -- start a JQuery tab within a tab pane

JQTABPANE -- start a JQuery tab pane

  • Create nice looking horizontal tab panes in TWiki topics. Write a sequence of %JQTAB{"..."}% and %JQENDTAB% pairs, and enclose them in %JQTABPANE% and %JQENDTABPANE%. Tab panes can be nested, e.g. within one tab you can add another tab pane. These variable are handled by the JQueryPlugin.
  • Syntax: %JQTABPANE% %JQTAB{"Tab 1}% ... %JQENDTAB% %JQTAB{"Tab 2}% ... %JQENDTAB% ... %JQENDTABPANE%
  • Example:
    %JQTAB{"Tab 1"}%
    Tab 1 content...
    %JQTAB{"Tab 2"}%
    Tab 2 content...
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables
  • Related: JQENDTAB, JQENDTABPANE, JQTAB, JQueryPlugin (this topic)

LAQUO -- left double angle quote

LIME -- start lime colored text

M -- moved to... icon

MAKETEXT -- translate text using TWiki's I18N infrastructure

  • Text in MAKETEXT is translated into another language at page view time if the user activates a language other than the default English language.
  • Syntax: %MAKETEXT{"string" args="..."}%
  • Supported parameters:
    Parameter Description Default
    "text" or string="text" The text to be displayed. none
    args="param1, param2" a comma-separated list of arguments to be interpolated in the string, replacing the [_N] placeholders in it. none
  • Examples:
    • %MAKETEXT{string="Notes:"}%
      expands to
    • %MAKETEXT{"If you have any questions, please contact [_1]." args="%WIKIWEBMASTER%"}%
      expands to
      If you have any questions, please contact wikiadmin@appx.com.
    • %MAKETEXT{"Did you want to ~[~[[_1]~]~[reset [_2]'s password~]~]?" args="%SYSTEMWEB%.ResetPassword, %WIKINAME%"}%
      expands to
      Did you want to reset TWikiGuest's password?
  • Notes:
    • TWiki will translate the string to the current user's language only if it has such string in its translation table for that language.
    • Ampersands (&) followed by one letter (one of a...z, A...Z -- say, X) in the translatable string will be translated to <span class='twikiAccessKey'>X</span>. This is used to implement access keys. If you want to write an actual amperstand that stays just before a letter, write two consecutive amperstands (&&): they will be transformed in just one.
    • Square brackets ~[ and ~] in the text have a special meaning and need to be escaped using ~[ and ~], respectively.
    • Translatable string starting with underscores (_) are reserved. You must not use translatable phrases starting with an underscore.
    • Make sure that the translatable string is constant. Specially, do not include %VARIABLES% inside the translatable strings - string would not get translated because variables get expanded before the %MAKETEXT{...}% itself is handled.
  • Category: DevelopmentVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables
  • Related: TWiki:Codev.UserInterfaceInternationalisation (on TWiki.org), CPAN:Locale::Maketext (Maketext documentation) (this topic)

MAROON -- start maroon colored text

N -- "new" icon

NAVY -- start navy blue colored text

NBSP -- non-breaking space

NOP -- template text not to be expanded in instantiated topics

  • Syntax: %NOP%
    • In normal topic text, expands to <nop>, which prevents expansion of adjacent variables and wikiwords
    • When the topic containing this is used as a template for another topic, it is removed.
  • Syntax: %NOP{...}% deprecated
    • In normal topic text, expands to whatever is in the curly braces (if anything).
    • Note: This is deprecated. Do not use it. Use %STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}% .. %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}% instead (see TWikiTemplates for more details).
  • Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables, SkinsAndTemplatesVariables
  • Related: HIDE, HIDEINPRINT, STARTSECTION, TWikiTemplates (this topic)

OLIVE -- start olive green colored text

ORANGE -- start orange colored text

P -- pencil icon

PARENTBC -- parent breadcrumbs for headings

PINK -- start pink colored text

PURPLE -- start purple colored text

Q -- question icon

RAQUO -- right double angle quote

RED -- start red colored text

REDBG -- start red colored background section

REG -- Registered Trademark symbol

RENDERLIST -- render bullet lists in a variety of formats

  • The %RENDERLIST% variable is handled by the RenderListPlugin
  • Syntax: %RENDERLIST%
  • Syntax: %RENDERLIST{ "org" focus="Sales.WestCoastTeam" }%
  • Example:
    %RENDERLIST{ "org" }%
       * [[Eng.WebHome][Engineering]]
          * [[Eng.TechPubs][Tech Pubs]]
       * [[Sales.WestCoastTeam][Sales]]
          * [[Sales.EastCoastTeam][East Coast]]
          * [[Sales.WestCoastTeam][West Coast]]
  • Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables
  • Related: RenderListPlugin (this topic)

S -- red star icon

SILVER -- start silver colored text

SLIDESHOWEND -- end slideshow

SLIDESHOWSTART -- convert a topic with headings into a slideshow

SPACEDTOPIC -- topic name, spaced and URL-encoded deprecated

  • The current topic name with added URL-encoded spaces, for use in regular expressions that search for backlinks to the current topic
  • Syntax: %SPACEDTOPIC%
  • Expands to: Var%20*SPACEDTOPIC
  • Note: This is a deprecated variable. It can be duplicated with %ENCODE{%SPACEOUT{"%TOPIC%" separator=" *"}%}%
  • Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables
  • Related: SPACEOUT, TOPIC, ENCODE (this topic)

SPACEOUT{"string"} -- renders string with spaces inserted in sensible places

  • Inserts spaces after lower case letters that are followed by a digit or a capital letter, and after digits that are followed by a capital letter.
  • Useful for spacing out WikiWords
  • Syntax: %SPACEOUT{ "%TOPIC%" }%
  • Expands to: TWiki Variables Category Body
  • Supported parameters:
    Parameter: Description: Default:
    separator The separator to put between words e.g. %SPACEOUT{"DogsCatsBudgies" separator=", "}% -> Dogs, Cats, Budgies ' '
  • TIP Hint: Spaced out WikiWords are not automatically linked. To SPACEOUT a WikiWord but preserve the link use "double bracket" format. For example, [[WebHome][%SPACEOUT{"WebHome"}%]] expands to Web Home
  • Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables
  • Related: SPACEDTOPIC, $PROPERSPACE() of SpreadSheetPlugin (this topic)

T -- tip icon

TABLE{ attributes } -- control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns

  • The %TABLE{}% variable is handled by the TablePlugin
  • Syntax: %TABLE{ attributes }%

  • Supported attributes:
    Argument Comment Default value Example
    sort Set table sorting by clicking headers "on" or "off". unspecified sort="on"
    initsort Column to sort initially ("1" to number of columns). unspecified initsort="2"
    initdirection Initial sorting direction for initsort, set to "up" (descending) or "down" (ascending). unspecified initdirection="up"
    disableallsort Disable all sorting, both initsort and header sort. This is mainly used by plugins such as the EditTablePlugin to disable sorting in a table while editing the table. unspecified disableallsort="on"
    headerbg Header cell background color. "#6b7f93" headerbg="#999999"
    headerbgsorted Header cell background color of a sorted column. the value of headerbg headerbgsorted="#32596c"
    headercolor Header cell text color. "#ffffff" headercolor="#0000cc"
    databg Data cell background color, a comma separated list. Specify "none" for no color, that is to use the color/background of the page the table is on. "#edf4f9,#ffffff" databg="#f2f2f2,#ffffff"
    databgsorted Data cell background color of a sorted column; see databg. the values of databg databgsorted="#d4e8e4,#e5f5ea"
    datacolor Data cell text color, a comma separated list. unspecified datacolor="#0000CC, #000000"
    tableborder Table border width (pixels). "1" tableborder="2"
    tableframe Table frame, set to "void" (no sides), "above" (the top side only), "below" (the bottom side only), "hsides" (the top and bottom sides only), "lhs" (the left-hand side only), "rhs" (the right-hand side only), "vsides" (the right and left sides only), "box" (all four sides), "border" (all four sides). unspecified tableframe="hsides"
    tablerules Table rules, set to "none" (no rules), "groups" (rules will appear between row groups and column groups only), "rows" (rules will appear between rows only), "cols" (rules will appear between columns only), "all" (rules will appear between all rows and columns). unspecified tablerules="rows"
    cellpadding Cell padding (pixels). "0" cellpadding="0"
    cellspacing Cell spacing (pixels). "0" cellspacing="3"
    cellborder Cell border width (pixels). unspecified cellborder="0"
    valign Vertical alignment of cells and headers, set to "top", "middle", "bottom" or "baseline". unspecified valign="top"
    headervalign Vertical alignment of header cells; overrides valign. unspecified headervalign="top"
    datavalign Vertical alignment of data cells; overrides valign. unspecified datavalign="top"
    headeralign Header cell alignment, one value for all columns, or a comma separated list for different alignment of individual columns. Set to "left", "center", "right" or "justify". Overrides individual cell settings. unspecified headeralign="left,right"
    dataalign Data cell alignment, one value for all columns, or a comma separated list for different alignment of individual columns. Set to "left", "center", "right" or "justify". Overrides individual cell settings. unspecified dataalign="center"
    tablewidth Table width: Percentage of window width, or absolute pixel value. unspecified tablewidth="100%"
    columnwidths Column widths: Comma delimited list of column widths, percentage or absolute pixel value. unspecified columnwidths="80%,20%"
    headerrows Number of header rows to exclude from sort. (will be rendered in a HTML thead section) (determined automatically) headerrows="2"
    footerrows Number of footer rows to exclude from sort. (will be rendered in a HTML tfoot section) "0" footerrows="1"
    id Unique table identifier string, used for targeting a table with CSS. tableN (where N is the table order number on the page) id="userTable"
    summary Table summary used by screenreaders: A summary of what the table presents. It should provide an orientation for someone who listens to the table. unspecified summary="List of subscribed users"
    caption Table caption: A title that will be displayed just above the table. unspecified caption="Users"

TEAL -- start teal colored text

TM -- Trademark symbol

TOC -- table of contents of current topic

  • Table of Contents. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text</h2>") are taken into account. Any heading text after "!!" is excluded from the TOC; for example, write "---+!! text" if you do not want to list a header in the TOC. An abbreviated heading can be shown in the TOC, such as "---++ text!! this is excluded from TOC".
  • Syntax: %TOC%
  • Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables, UIAndVisualizationVariables
  • Related: INCLUDE, TOC{"Topic"} (this topic)

TOC{"Topic"} -- table of contents

  • Table of Contents. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text</h2>") are taken into account. Any heading text after "!!" is excluded from the TOC; for example, write "---+!! text" if you do not want to list a header in the TOC. An abbreviated heading can be shown in the TOC, such as "---++ text!! this is excluded from TOC".
  • Syntax: %TOC{"SomeTopic" ...}%
  • Supported parameters:
    Parameter: Description: Default:
    "TopicName" Topic name Current topic
    web="Name" Name of web Current web
    depth="2" Limit depth of headings shown in TOC TOC_MAX_DEPTH if defined. Otherwise 6
    mindepth="2" Specify the minimum depth of headings TOC_MIN_DEPTH if defined. Otherwise 1
    title="Some text" Title to appear at top of TOC none (TOC_TITLE setting)
    style="..." Style to apply to the TOC none (TOC_STYLE setting)
  • Example: %TOC{depth="2"}%
  • Example: %TOC{"TWikiDocumentation" web="TWiki" title="Contents:" style="float: right;"}%
  • Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables, UIAndVisualizationVariables
  • Related: INCLUDE, TOC (this topic)

TWISTY{ attributes } -- dynamically open and close sections of content

U -- "updated" icon

USERSIG -- show user signature with profile picture icon

VBAR -- vertical bar

WHITE -- start white colored text

WIP -- work in progress icon

X -- warning icon

Y -- "yes" icon

YELLOW -- start yellow colored text

Total: 75 variables

Related Topics: TWikiVariables, TWikiVariablesSearch, TWikiVariablesQuickStart

Topic revision: r1 - 2012-11-11 - TWikiContributor
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