Local Lists

You can now override the contents of a dropdown list dynamically.


Dropdown List widgets now support a special macro to alter their contents at runtime. This applies to Token fields and Alpha fields with Validation Lists. The values you put into the listbox still needs to be valid for the field, this is a way to restrict the choices to a subset of what is in the data dictionary.

This option is specified as an @ macro entered into the Label or Tooltip widget fields.


@ Macro Specification:

* Set Local List - @SLL={delim}{value}....{delim}{value}

The {delim} is the first character in the list. This allows you to set the delimiter to whatever you need. For example, if a comma occurs in your data you will need to use a different delimiter character. For example, '@SLL=,Ms,Mrs,Miss' would limit the choices to Ms, Mrs and Miss.


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Note that the WIDGET TOOLTIP field is only 60 characters, which limits the number of values that can be entered here. Using WIDGET LABEL as the destination increases that limit to 256 characters.

-- AlKalter - 2013-04-05

-- PeteBrower - 2012-03-29

This topic: Main > WebHome > APPX510Features > WidgetLocalLists
Topic revision: r3 - 2013-04-05 - AlKalter
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