File Chooser Widget

The file chooser widget provides the ability to have a user select a File, a Folder, or either from a filtered list of files on their desktop.


The Appx File Chooser lets a designer define an Appx data field on the screen that can be populated by the user using a File Chooser. The file chooser can be configured to restrict the user to just selecting Files or Folders. The files shown in the chooser can be filtered by one or more filters defined by the designer. Filters are set as lists of file extensions that are valid. Due to space considerations in the current WIDGET file, the most used appearance options are specified as specifications on the Widget definition screen. The lesser used options are specified as @ macros entered into the Label or Tooltip widget fields.


Widget Screen Specifications:

* Chooser Mode - This determines what can be selected by the user. FILE tells the chooser that only Files can be chosen. FOLDER tells the chooser that only Folders can be chosen. ANY tells the chooser that Files or Folders can be chosen.

@ Macro Specification:

* File Filters - @SFF="Filter Description",EXT,EXT,...[ | ] One or more filters can be defined using a pattern of "description",ext,ext,... where "description" shows up in the dropdown list of filters in the chooser and ext,ext,... is a list of file extensions valid for that filter. You specifiy more than one filter by adding a vertical bar delimiter after the current filter and then define a second filter. So to filter for Images or Documents you might enter a filter of:



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-- PeteBrower - 2012-03-26

This topic: Main > WebHome > APPX510Features > WidgetFileChooser
Topic revision: r3 - 2012-04-11 - AlKalter
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