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---+ Uploading Spreadsheet Data to APPX You have data in a spreadsheet that you want to transfer into APPX data files. There are certainly several ways to go about doing that. Here's one ... *Note: This example uses older subroutines. If you are running APPX 5.1 or higher, we recommend:* | *Old Routine* | *New API* | | GET CONFIGURATION INFO | <a href="0LASubrEnvGetAppxpath" target="_blank">.ENV GET APPXPATH</a> | | GET FILE FROM CLIENT | <a href="0LASubrClientUploadFile" target="_blank">.CLIENT UPLOAD FILE</a> | | STREAM OPEN | <a href="0LASubrStreamOpen" target="_blank">.STREAM OPEN</a> | | STREAM READ | <a href="0LASubrStreamRead" target="_blank">.STREAM READ</a> | | STREAM CLOSE | <a href="0LASubrStreamClose" target="_blank">.STREAM CLOSE</a> | | Parsing routines | <a href="0LASubrTextParseLine" target="_blank">.TEXT PARSE LINE</a> | *The DMO application has a more recent example of importing data, see the Input IMPORT PROSPECTS.* ---++ Export the Data Choose the “Save As” or “Export” options from within Excel (or Open Office equivalent), and create a delimited file on your desktop. I’d recommend tab-delimited as opposed to comma-delimited, as it is much cleaner since cell data typically does not include any tab characters. ---++ Upload the File to the Server Use an input process with a file-chooser field to select the file on the desktop that you want to upload. You have to tell APPX where to put the file on the server, and it has to be someplace that is not going to be locked because of permissions. I use the APPXPATH for that purpose. So … In the <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Start of Process</span> event point, include this: <verbatim> SUBR --- GET CONFIGURATION INFO SUBPROCESS END? N FAIL 0</verbatim> The screen includes a file-chooser field, which we will call WORK DESKTOP FILE NAME. We are going to use configuration info to build a temporary storage path for the file on the server, with a date time stamp to ensure that we don’t overwrite an existing file, in a field called WORK SERVER FILE NAME. When the user enters a path into the field on the screen and hits the proper option key, the following code is triggered in <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Option Intercept</span>: <verbatim> SET --- CONFIG TYPE = APPXPATH READ --- CONFIG HOLD 0 FT 0 BY CONFIG TYPE F CANCEL Unexpected Error Reading CONFIG SET XXX WORK SERVER FILE NAME = --- CONFIG DATA APPEND XXX WORK SERVER FILE NAME 0 /tmp/TransferFile- SET DATE XXX WORK DATE TIME STAMP SET --- TEMP 32 = XXX WORK DATE TIME STAMP APPEND XXX WORK SERVER FILE NAME 0 --- TEMP 32 * PASS XXX WORK DESKTOP FILE NAME FIELD SHARE? Y PASS XXX SERVER FILE NAME FIELD SHARE? N PASS --- AI FIELD SHARE? Y * SUBR --- GET FILE FROM CLIENT DETACHED END? N FAIL 0 * IF --- AI EQ 1 F ERROR Upload unsuccessful - feel sad.</verbatim> Note: The APPEND statement that includes /tmp/TransferFile- is formatted for a Linux server. Windows servers will require a backslash separator and probably a different target folder. Barring any unexpected situations, we now have the tab-delimited file on the server, located at WORK SERVER FILE NAME. ---++ Parse the Uploaded File for the Desired Data The next step is to use the STREAM commands to read each row in the uploaded file. We know that the first row contains column headings, so we will skip past that row. If you prefer, though, and you want to get elegant, you can import them into a separate file, and use them to decide which data goes into which field. But for our example, we’ll assume that the columns are preset to always have the right data in the right place. By the way, you want to be careful about your column headings – make sure they don’t have any line feeds in them, or it can throw the whole thing off. You can see that if you look at the tab-delimited file on your desktop via WordPad or NotePad. With Word Wrap off, if the second line doesn’t start with data, check and edit those column headings. So, first we have to define a couple of fields and open the file for reading: <verbatim> SET XXX WORK FIRST TIME THRU = Y CNV BIN XXX WORK TAB CHARACTER = 9 SET --- STREAM OPEN TYPE = r SET --- STREAM FILE PATHNAME = XXX WORK FILE PATH NAME GOSUB --- STREAM OPEN IF --- STREAM RETURN CODE NE 0 T ERROR Something went wrong, don't continue * LABEL READ STREAM FILE SET --- STREAM READ LENGTH = GOSUB --- STREAM READ * * Return Code will be 0 if some data was returned. * Return Code will be 1 if EOF reached or other error occurs. * --- STREAM BUFFER contains the data that was read * --- STREAM READ LENGTH = number of bytes actually returned * IF --- STREAM RETURN CODE EQ 0 T IF XXX WORK FIRST TIME THRU EQ Y TT SET XXX WORK FIRST TIME THRU = N TF GOSUB XXX FILE PARSE T GOTO READ STREAM FILE * GOSUB --- STREAM CLOSE</verbatim> Each time we found a line of data, we called a subroutine called XXX FILE PARSE. Here’s what that subroutine might contain: <verbatim> SET XXX WORK TAB POSITION 001 = 0 RESTORE XXX DATAFILE DEFAULT RECORD * GOSUB XXX FILE PARSE SUB GET NEXT FIELD SET XXX DATAFILE LAST NAME = --- TEMP 32K GOSUB XXX FILE PARSE SUB GET NEXT FIELD SET XXX DATAFILE FIRST NAME = --- TEMP 32K GOSUB XXX FILE PARSE SUB GET NEXT FIELD SET XXX DATAFILE EMAIL ADDRESS = --- TEMP 32K GOSUB XXX FILE PARSE SUB GET NEXT FIELD * Keep setting fields like that as needed WRITE XXX DATAFILE FAIL 0</verbatim> The last piece of the puzzle is the FILE PARSE SUB GET NEXT FIELD subroutine. And that looks like this: <verbatim> IF --- STREAM BUFFER IN XXX WORK TAB CHARACTER T SET XXX WORK TAB POSITION 002 = --- TEXT AT POSITION F SET XXX WORK TAB POSITION 002 = --- STREAM READ LENGTH F COMPUTE XXX WORK TAB POSITION 002 + 1 * * --- LI is field length SET --- LI = XXX WORK TAB POSITION 002 COMPUTE --- LI - XXX WORK TAB POSITION 001 COMPUTE --- LI - 1 * * --- PI is location of first importable character SET --- PI = XXX WORK TAB POSITION 001 COMPUTE --- PI + 1 SET --- TEMP 32K = SET TEMP 32K AT 001 FOR LI FROM PI OF --- STREAM BUFFER * * Replace second tab with blank, find next tab * SET --- TEMP 1 = SET --- PI = XXX WORK TAB POSITION 002 SET TEMP 1 AT 001 FOR 001 INTO PI OF --- STREAM BUFFER SET XXX WORK TAB POSITION 001 = XXX WORK TAB POSITION 002 *</verbatim> And that’s it. You may need to do some tweaking in the XXX FILE PARSE subroutine to handle numeric fields, date fields, and so on. Please note that APPX 5.1 has an excellent new subroutine called .TEXT PARSE LINE, which can be called instead of the FILE PARSE SUB GET NEXT FIELD subroutine above. I highly recommend using that if you’re on APPX 5.1 or later. -- Main.AlKalter - 2012-06-19
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