VERIFY Statement


The Verify statement has been enhanced to verify characters within an alpha field based on the encoding type.

  • RAW - All 256 characters are valid
  • NATIONAL - Valid characters are determined by the encoding specified in System Administration.
  • UNICODE - Valid characters fall within certain defined ranges of 32bit values. (??? What ranges)

Test Plan

Test that RAW fields still pass validation with all 256 characters.

Test that NATIONAL alpha fields validate correctly against the encoding set in System Administration.

Test that UNICODE alpha fields validate correctly against the predetermined valid ranges and other values fail to validate.


  1. VERIFY returns T when unicode field contains \u17c0, which I think is an unused part of the unicode table. Should return F, shouldn't it? (KAD - No, \u17C0 is the Khmer vowel sign IE) - Retested ok. Unassigned portions of Unicode correctly return F.
  2. VERIFY returns T when national field contains dec 144 (\u0090), which is an unused character in 8859-15 encoding. Should return F, shouldn't it? - Retested ok, was accidentally testing a Raw field. Repeated test with National field, correctly returned F.

-- PeteBrower - 2011-03-21

This topic: Main > WebHome > UnicodeTestPlan > UnicodeVERIFYStmt
Topic revision: r5 - 2011-07-28 - JeanNeron
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