Unicode Encoding Types

Add new encoding types to alpha fields, RAW, NATIONAL, and UNICODE.


Alpha fields will have three choices for Encoding.

  • RAW

Field Type considered Alpha are:

  • DATE with ALPHA Storage Type
  • TEXT

RAW Encoding:

  • All existing alpha fields will have a default single-byte encoding type of RAW.
  • DD length is the number of 8-bit bytes that the field can store.
  • Internal format in the engine is 8-bit bytes.
  • May contain binary data.
  • May contain 8-bit characters (uses 8859-15 encoding when interpreted as character data).
  • Stored in APPXIO records as 8-bit bytes.
  • No transcoding is performed when reading/writing a RAW field in APPXIO.

UNICODE Encoding:

  • DD length is the number of 4-byte UTF-32 characters that the field can store.
  • Internal format in the engine is UTF-32 (4 bytes per character).
  • Used to store Unicode characters in a UTF-32 encoding.
  • Stored in APPXIO as 4-byte UTF-32 characters.
  • No transcoding is performed when reading/writing a UNICODE field in APPXIO.

NATIONAL Encoding:

  • DD length is the number of 8-bit characters that the field can store.
  • Internal format in the engine is UTF-32 (4 bytes per character).
  • Used to store Unicode characters using a specified 8-bit encoding method.
  • The encoding method is specified in System Admin (SYSPARM, SYSDFLT, and SYSDIR).
  • Stored in APPXIO records as 1-byte characters.
  • Transcoding of characters is performed to/from the internal UTF-32 format when reading/writing to disk.

APPX Data Dictionary Considerations:

  • The field length represents the number of characters that can be stored in the alpha field.

Test Plan:

APPX Data Dictionary Considerations: (untested)

Test Requirements:

Does the DD allow encoding type for all alpha field types to be specified?

Does the DD compiler support 1-byte or 4-byte characters in alpha fields?

Test Results and Notes:


-- PeteBrower - 2011-03-04

This topic: Main > WebHome > UnicodeTestPlan > UnicodeEncodingType
Topic revision: r4 - 2011-03-09 - PeteBrower
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