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Open Hasp Installation Archive Document

Note: This document is considered OBSOLETE, as it does not apply to current versions of APPX. However, customers running older versions may find the information it contains to be useful.

Using OpenHasps on NCR, SCO, and Linux platforms

Appx may require a HASP (also known as a hard-lock or dongle) on the following Unix platforms:

   SCO Unix

You can determine whether a HASP is required by examining your Appx Registration. If the CPU Serial Number entry is blank, you do not need a HASP, otherwise, you do need a HASP.

Once you have the HASP, you must plug the HASP into a dedicated serial port on your computer - you cannot use the serial port for any other purpose. Refer to your hardware and operating system documentation to determine the name of the serial port your HASP is attached to (it will usually be a name like "/dev/tty01").

Prior to using Appx, you must set the following environment variable:

   set HASPTTY=/dev/tty01

substituting the name of your serial port for /dev/tty01. Appx will look to that serial port to find a HASP - the serial number of the HASP must match the CPU Serial Number in your Appx Registration or you will receive the following error on startup:

 You are not registered for this CPU.

Since Appx will require access to the HASP each time it starts, you should assign the HASPTTY environment variable in your .profile, .login, /etc/profile/ or /etc/login scripts as appropriate.

To debug problems with OpenHasp, you can export the following two variables, and the look at &/or email to us the <filename> produced by them:

   export APPX_SS_LOG=<filename>   # recommend /tmp/openhasp.log
   export APPX_SS_CODE=0xFFFFFFFF   # turns on full debugging
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Topic revision: r2 - 2012-02-05 - ChrisBrower
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