Online Manuals

APPX documentation is available online for all APPX users. Three manuals, all fully browsable with indexes and hyperlinks, will help APPX designers, administrators, and users get the most out of their software.

All three manuals are currently available as HTML documents, and may be browsed by clicking on their respective titles. They are also downloadable, by clicking the link at the end of each paragraph. Note that these are large files to download.

APPX User Manual

The APPX User Manual provides an introduction to the APPX environment, and helps new users get started. It covers typical menu, input, output, and query processes, and also goes through disposition options, keymapping, and more. Download manual.

APPX System Management Manual

The new APPX System Management Manual is intended for those who administer, manage, and maintain their APPX environment, including guides to the User, Security, Printer, Form, and other files. Also included are sections on registration entry, printing, command line options, environment variables, and more. Download manual.

APPX Multi-Release Application Design Manual

This new APPX Application Design Manual includes updates through the currently released versions of APPX, and allows specification of prior versions as desired. It covers APPX design techniques in detail, going through each process type, the data dictionary, image editor, and much, much more. It includes a comprehensive definition of each APPX ILF statement and pre-defined field, with examples and cross-references. The most currently released manual will be shown. Use the drop down list to choose the manual specific to your version (4.2.a and above only).

APPX Release 4.2 Application Design Manual

The APPX Application Design Manual will prove extremely helpful to any APPX application developer. This document covers APPX design techniques in detail, going through each process type, the data dictionary, image editor, and much, much more. It includes a comprehensive definition of each APPX ILF statement and pre-defined field, with examples and cross-references. The link above is an html document that can be browsed on line. If you'd prefer, you can download the manual in Microsoft help (.chm) format.

APPX Release 4.1 Application Design Manual

This APPX Application Design Manual is a valuable reference tool for any APPX application developer working in Release 4.1 or earlier. The link above is an html document that can be browsed on line. If you'd prefer, you can download the manual in Microsoft help (.chm) format.

Other Manuals on Specific Topics:

Language Translation Manual

A thorough guide to using the Language Translation functions of APPX, including an overview, a step-by-step process, examples, and more.

APPX/ODBC Connection Manual

This document takes you through setup and operation of the APPX/ODBC Connection, which allows use of products such as Excel, Access, and Crystal Reports to view, report on, and modify data in APPX-IO files. It's also recommended that you read through the Dharma manual.

APPX Financials Manuals

Manuals for the new APPX Financials are under development, and will be made available as they are completed. Some of the old manuals for the character-mode applications (the "T-apps") are available, for users of those applications or others wishing to refer to them for a basic understanding of concepts. Please understand that these manuals contain obsolete screen shots, and may be otherwise incomplete and inaccurate, but they also may provde an understanding of underlying concepts and prove helpful in other ways.

APPX Movies - Introductory Topics

APPX presents a series of flash movies that offer an introduction to the APPX runtime and design environment.

APPX Wizards - Tools for Designers and Administrators

The APPX Wizards are unrelated tools for obtaining specific information.

  • Environment Variable Wizard. This Wizard will allow you to select Appx environment variable(s), configure the variable parameters, then display the completed variable(s) which may be used in your Appx installation. This Wizard will not actually set the variable in your environment but will help you in building the correct syntax for the instruction which can be copied for implementation.
  • Widget File Attribute Wizard. This Wizard will display the WIDGET file field name which corresponds to the GUI label for the selected attribute. You will first select the GUI widget type from the Menu. An image of that widget type will be displayed. Then click on the label of the attribute to see the WIDGET file field(s) which corresponds to that attribute.
  • Release Note Viewer. This is a tool for searching and displaying release notes for all the Appx versions available for download.


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-- ChrisBrower - 2011-06-06

This topic: Main > Support > OnlineManuals
Topic revision: r9 - 2017-04-10 - JeffPrentice
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