Library Updates

The APPX engine interfaces with a variety of third-party libraries.


The APPX engine uses a variety of third-party libraries to implement various features of APPX 5.0.0. The third-party libraries and the versions used by APPX 5.0.0 are listed below.


UPDATE: Most of this is obsolete, as the required SSL libraries are included with the APPX installation. You should not have to do anything to use SSL.

The APPX engine utilizes on-demand dynamic linking to load the <nop>OpenSSL library. The <nop>OpenSSL libary is required to enable APPXIO File Encryption and encrypted APPX Client sessions. The <nop>OpenSSL library is only loaded by APPX if you attempt to use either of these features. Most operating systems include some version of <nop>OpenSSL. However, in the event that the operating system of your APPX server does not include <nop>OpenSSL or if the version of <nop>OpenSSL is not current, you will need to download and install the current version of <nop>OpenSSL before you can enable and use these APPX features. APPX has been tested with <nop>OpenSSL version 9.8i. We can provide no assurance that prior versions of <nop>OpenSSL will work correctly with APPX 5.0.0.


The APPX ODBC capabilities which allow desktop applications with ODBC support to access APPX data on the various APPX platforms are implemented using a third party API supplied by Dharma Systems, Inc. Dharma is located in Tarrytown, NY.

Release 5.0.0 of APPX includes a redesigned ODBC capability incorporating release 9.1 of Dharma's ODBC drivers. The interface is compatible with SQL-92 and ODBC 3.5.


The PDF output capabilities of APPX output processes are implemented using a third party API supplied by PDFlib <nop>GmbH. They are based in Munchen, Germany.

Release 5.0.0 of APPX was linked with PDFlib 7.0.3 which was released on 31 Mar 2008.


Support for C-ISAM files is implemented in the APPX engine using the DISAM96 library supplied by Byte Designs, Ltd. Byte Designs Ltd. is a privately held Canadian Company incorporated in the Province of British Columbia in 1987. The DISAM feature is a separately licensed feature of APPX that is only available if specifically licensed.


Release 5.0.0 of the APPX engine is linked with libtar 1.2.11. This library will be used in a future release of APPX to implement support for tar files.


Release 5.0.0 of the APPX engine is linked with zlib 1.1.3. This library will be used in a future release of APPX to implement support for compressing and uncompressing files.


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-- AlKalter - 04 Apr 2008

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Topic revision: r1 - 2010-01-27 - RayPelegrino
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