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---+ Developer Tips %TOC% ---++ <a href="googlemap" target="_blank">Displaying Google Maps in the HTML client</a> If you want to display a Google map using the HTML client, follow this tip. ---++ <a href="https://front242.appx.com/client/appxwizards.html" target="_blank">Environment / Widget File Wizards</a> The environment variable wizard assists you in setting APPX environment variables. The Widget wizard explains which fields in --- WIDGET control various GUI attributes. You can also search release notes from here. ---++ <a href="OptimizeRDBMS" target="_blank">Optimizing Performance when using an RDBMS</a> If you are storing data in an RDBMS (Oracle, SQL Server, etc), check this page for some tips on optimizing performance. ---++ <a href="530DataExchange" target="_blank">Data Import (Release 5.3 & Up)</a> Release 5.3 added the 0DX application, a tool for importing XML formatted files. ---++ <a href="APPX520Features" target="_blank">Tables & Other User Interface Improvements (Release 5.2 & Up)</a> Release 5.2 added some significant new capabilities to the user interface, including <a href="520NewTableWidget" target="_blank">Tables</a>, <a href="520DragDrop" target="_blank">Drag & Drop Support</a>, <a href="520NewGUIEvents" target="_blank">new GUI Events</a> and the ability to <a href="520GenerateSubroutines" target="_blank">create a subroutine</a> from ILF. ---++ <a href="CDChartDirectorDesignerAPI" target="_blank">Charting in APPX (Release 5.1 & up)</a> Release 5.1 added an API to interface with the <a href="http://www.advsofteng.com/" target="_blank">Chart Director</a> product ---++ <a href="APPXRuntimeSubroutineAPI" target="_blank">APPX API's (Release 5.1 & up)</a> Release 5.1 added a library of API's to handle common programming tasks. These replace the older ',RT' calls and should be used instead. This link shows the <a href="FullAPIList" target="_blank">current list of all available API's</a>, not just the ones released in 5.1. ---++ [[CharacterEncoding][Character Encoding]] <span style="font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 13.65px; line-height: 20.475px;">This page discusses how APPX handles character encoding</span> ---++ <a href="UsingCustomFonts" target="_blank">Using Custom Fonts in APPX</a> How to use custom fonts (such as bar codes) in PDF Outputs. ---++ <a href="WidgetMacros" target="_blank">APPX Widget Macros</a> Widget macros allow you to access some advanced GUI features such as controlling layering, drop shadows, moveable buttons, and more. ---++ <a href="AppxODBCWithVB" target="_blank">Accessing APPX Data Using Visual Basic</a> This page has some sample VB code showing how to access APPX/IO data via ODBC ---++ <a href="CustomRuntime" target="_blank">Customizing the runtime environment</a> The APPX runtime environment includes many standard screens, Scan screens, Disposition screens, etc. <a href="CustomRuntime" target="_blank">This page</a> shows how you can customize these to more closely resemble your applications. ---++ <a href="BackgroundProcessing" target="_blank">Customizing Background Processing</a> This page discusses how APPX handles background processing and how you can customize it. ---++ <a href="UploadSpreadsheetData" target="_blank">Uploading Spreadsheet Data to APPX</a> This page discusses a technique for uploading data from a spreadsheet into APPX. ---++ <span data-mce-mark="1">[[GOSUBs and SUBRoutines]]</span> An explanation of how APPX handles GOSUB statements that call SUBRoutine processes. ---++ [[Using OUTPUTs Instead of UPDATEs]] A discussion of the advantages of using OUTPUT processes instead of UPDATEs for posts and similar activities. ---++ [[Converting Arrays to Scalar Data]] A method for converting an Array (multi-occurence data) to Scalar (single-occurence data) ---++ [[Running Windows Functions from APPX]] A collection of instructions and hints for the execution of Windows functions from within APPX. ---++ [[DisplayingDateTimeStamps][Displaying Date/Time Stamps]] Instructions on how to display User/Date Stamps in your applications ---++ [[Calling Inquiries from Scrolling INPUTs]] Instructions on how to tie an existing Inquiry process to a Scrolling Input as an Automatic (or Optional) Child ---++ [[Importing Consecutive Files]] <p align="left">A variety of methods for importing data from external consecutive files into APPX.</p> ---++ [[APPX Process Stack]] The list of current processes that have called each other is called a "Process Stack". This document describes the Process Stack, how to view it, and what it means. ---++ [[PreDisplayVerifyEventPoint][The Pre-Display/Verify Event Point]] A discussion on the use of the Pre-Display/Verify Event Point, and how it compares and contrasts with the individual Pre-Display Event Point and the Verify Event Point. ---++ [[Copying Files Between Databases]] <p align="left">Instructions on copying all (or some) records from a file in one database into the same file in another database.</p> ---++ [[Calling Windows API Functions]] Describes in detail the use of PASS and CALL statements to access O/S API functions from APPX subroutines. ---++ [[TheUseOfCachedFiles][The Use Of Cached Files]] APPX 4.1 introduced the ability to create and access a cached instance of a file in memory. This document describes how to take advantage of this feature, and the statements required to do so. ---++ [[Accessing Query Parameters]] The Query specifications used to produce a report are stored in three memory files. This document describes their structure and how to modify and use their values. ---++ [[Keystroke Recording & Playback]] APPX 3.x provides the ability to record (and playback) Keystroke and Process logs. You can set up an environmental variable to record Keystrokes and Processes. ---++ [[Dynamic Linking and the CALL Statement]] An overview of APPX 3.4's approach to calling External Functions, Dynamic Linking, and related topics. ---++ [[APPXQUERYReportWriter][APPX QUERY Report Writer]] APPX Query is an enduser oriented Report Generator, included with APPX. It allows endusers to define their own reports, without programmer assistance. This document steps you through the process of configuring the APPX Query environment. ---++ [[ScopingRulesSubprocessRelatedDetached][Scoping Rules - Subprocess/Related/Detached]] There are three levels of Scoping: SUBPROCESS, RELATED, and DETACHED. 'Scoping' refers to what workfields and temporary files (both disk and memory) are available to a given process. ---++ [[RuntimeRTCalls][Runtime (,RT_) Calls]] These are *UNSUPPORTED* features used to call operating system functions, and they may be changed or removed at any time. Although these may give you information useful towards fulfilling your needs, APPX Software is not responsible for the maintenance or support of these functions. ---++ [[Client Side Printing]] With the advent of the APPX Desktop Client, a broad range of features were introduced that opened up integration between APPX and the desktop. One of the most useful features is client-side printing. In this issue’s Tech Tip we will explore some of the options and the workings of using client side printing. ---++ [[How to Create a PDF Form Overlay]] There have been a lot of inquiries on how to create a form overlay in APPX. A PDF form overlay is a predefined image, or electronic form, that is printed underneath the data associated with the process. The use of form overlays eliminates the need for preprinted forms or creating the forms from scratch in Application Design. This article explains the basic concepts of creating an output process using a form overlay. ---++ [[Debugging Print Problems]] How many times have you gotten this call: “I need APPX to print me a list . . .”. You throw together an output and route it to the user’s printer, and . . . Argg, the report didn’t print! In this issue, we will talk about where to start troubleshooting a printing problem. We will cover printing text outputs only. We will cover PDF printing at a later time. ---++ [[Scrolling Inputs that Adjust to the Client Screen Size]] This issue we will talk about how to take advantage of that extra room by designing scrolling inputs that adjust to the client screen size. This will allow you to have processes that will work for users using the standard 21-row window as well as those set up to use 28 rows. ---++ [[Varying the APPX display area]] As you migrate your users to the Appx Desktop Client, you will find that one advantage you gain is the ability to run APPX with a larger display area to take advantage of larger screens. We have found that using a display with 28 columns and 110 rows creates a nice screen size for 17” monitors running at a resolution of 1024x768. The screen is clear and readable and fits nicely in the display area of the monitor, plus it adds a good bit of extra room for your design needs. So, how do you change the client’s default size? What other considerations need to be taken into account, and how can you avoid pitfalls, problems, confusion, and complaints? ---++ Comments: _Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments._ --- <br />%COMMENT% -- Main.ChrisBrower - 2011-06-07
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