APPX Client Presentation Mode

The APPX Client supports a special presentation mode for running a full screen APPX session without a window.


Presentation Mode invokes the APPX Client session as a full screen display scaled to the maximum size that will fit proportionally on the monitor. The display does not have a window border, a title bar, a status bar, pull-down menus, or a toolbar.  Running Appx in presentation mode is great for demos or trade shows.

Presentation Mode must be enabled before the client session is started.  It may be activated by setting the "presentationMode" preference to be "true" or by adding a command line switch to the shortcut that launches the APPX Client.

"C:\Program Files\AppxDesktopClient\AppxDesktopClient.exe" -presentationMode=true


The example below shows the APPX client running with no window, no titlebar, no pull-down menus, no toolbar, and no status bar. 



2199 OPEN - Display may be cut off when rows is greater than 34.


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-- SteveFrizzell - 07 Oct 2008

This topic: Main > WebHome > APPX500Features > ClientPresentationMode
Topic revision: r3 - 2008-10-09 - SteveFrizzell
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