APPX Client Map End, Tab, and Option keys

This client setting allows you to map the End, Tab, and Option functions to different keyboard keys.


The property list for the client now has some new options in the "Startup" section called "mapOptionKey", "mapTabKey", and "mapEndKey". The values you put in these are from a list of known key names Java uses. The following URL give you the list of valid names. Any name, within reason, that starts with VK_ can be used, just trim off the VK_ prefix.

List of VK_ keyboard key names:

In Release 5.3.1 an alternate syntax was added to support some keys that do not have a java key name. For some characters, the client needs both the key scan code and the actual character. If you are having trouble mapping the desired key to the option key, you may have to use the new syntax of #<scancode>:<character>

To determine the correct key code to use, in the 'debug' section of the client preferences is an option to turn on key codes: -showKeyCodes=true. This will display the key code when you press the key. This can be enabled/disabled after logging in, if desired.


To set Option to the keypad + key you would set -mapOptionKey=ADD from the command line, or in the property page before logging in. The keypad keys are named by math function.

+ = ADD

To map the § key, you would use the alternate syntax of:



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-- PeteBrower - 2012-03-29

This topic: Main > WebHome > APPX510Features > ClientMapEndOptTab
Topic revision: r4 - 2014-03-07 - JeanNeron
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