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---+ APPX Client Command Line Options The following is a partial list of the command line options that can be appended to the "Target:" line of the Appx Desktop Client shortcut. For a full list, check the client Preferences under 'File' -> 'Preferences', or on the 'Advanced' button of the 'Options' tab on the login dialog box. See '<a href="APPXADCMacInstallation" target="_blank">APPX Desktop Client Installation - Mac</a>' for information on setting the command line options on a Mac. -inifile=<path>/<filename> Allows for the specification of an Appx Desktop Client preference file to override the default preference file location. -mode=(local|remote|both) default=both Controls which login panels are shown, and also determines which type of login to do if the login dialog box is skipped. -pathname={path & filename of the local appx.exe file} Defaults the location and name of the APPX server executable when running APPX locally. This also is used when skipping the login dialog box and the -mode=local is set. -port={server port number} default=8060 Defaults the remote server port number on the login dialog and also used when doing a remote login with the login dialog box skipped. -host={server hostname} Defaults the remote host field on the remote login pane of the login dialog box. It is also used when the login dialog box is skipped. -user={server OS userID} Defaults the userID on the remote login pane of the login dialog box. It is also used when skipping the login box. -password={server OS password} Defaults the password field on the remote pane of the login dialog box. This is also used when the login dialog is skipped. -look=(java|windows|motif) default=windows Defaults the look and feel setting on the "options" pane of the login dialog box. This setting is also used when the login dialog is skipped. -application={APPX server Application ID} or -a={APPX server Application ID} Instructs the server to startup in a particular application ID. -database={APPX server Database ID} or -d={APPX server Database ID} Instructs the server to start in a particular database. -ptype={APPX server process type} or -t={APPX server processtype} Instructs the server to use this process type as the startup process type. -process={APPX server process name} or -p={APPX server process name} Instructs the APPX server to use this as the startup process name. <table align="center" bgcolor="#ffff80" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 500px;"> <tbody> <tr> <td> *Restrictions on startup processes:* An Application ID and process type must always be included when specifying a process name. If an Application ID is included without specifying a process type/name, the startup menu for the application will be used. <p align="left" dir="ltr">If no Application ID is specified, the startup application and menu for the database will be used. If no Database ID is specified, the startup database defined for the user within System Administration is used. If the startup database is also unspecified, the APPX main menu is used.</p> <p align="left" dir="ltr">The valid process types are Menu, Job, Input, Output, Update, Inquiry, Query, Status, and Subroutine.</p> <p align="left" dir="ltr">Use underscores (_) in place of any embedded spaces within parameters, and DO NOT enclose parameters in quotation marks.<br />(e.g., -p=Accounts_Payable).</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p align="left" dir="ltr">-fg=(black|blue|cyan|darkGray|gray|green|lightGray| <br /> magenta|orange|pink|red|white|yellow|#rrggbb)</p> Sets the default text foreground color. You can select one of the predefined colors, or define your own with the #rrggbb setting where you replace rr with the amount of RED in Hex, and the same with the gg and bb values. Defaults to Black. -bg=(black|blue|cyan|....see.-fg....) Sets the default text background color. See "fg" for more info. -boldFg=(black|blue|cyan|....see.-fg....) Sets the default text foreground text color for bold text. See "fg" for more info. -editBg=(black|blue|cyan|....see.-fg....) Sets the default text foreground text color for edit fields. See "fg" for more info. -rows={window size in rows} default=21 Defaults the initial screen size in rows. -cols={window size in columns} default=80 Defaults the initial screen size in columns. -bmode=(tile|expand) default=tile Define how background tiles are painted in the Java window. The "tile" setting uses the tile image over and over again to fill the window. The "expand" setting resizes the image to just fill the space inside the window. Used with the -tile#= setting. -splash={url to an image} Used as a background image in the main client window during the login process. How it is painted is determined by the -bmode= setting. -smode=(tile|expand) default=expand Defines how the splash image is painted in the Java window. The "tile" setting uses the tile image over and over again to fill the window. The "expand" setting resizes the image to just fill the space inside the window. Used with the -splash= setting. -tile#={url to an image} Defines an array of images that the client will use to fill window backgrounds. -tile1= defines the base wallpaper image. -tile2= defines the wallpaper for all windows one up from the base window. -tile3= sets the pattern for all windows two up from the base window, etc. You can define as many or few as you like. The client will cycle back to the first image if you have more windows layered on the screen that for which it has tile images. Used with the -bmode= setting. -title= "{contents of titlebar}" <blockquote dir="ltr"> Defines text to be displayed in the titlebar, in place of standard contents. In the title text, you can use the following special tags to have the client insert special data into the title: * $(host) * $(user) * $(pathname) * $(pid) * $(port) Example: -title="Pete's APPX Client, server PID is $(pid)" </blockquote> -shell={command line to start a document} Overrides the default command line used to "start" a document. Starting a document is telling the desktop O/S to open a document and use the association to decide what program to use. This defaults to start {document} which does may not work on NT. NT may require this to be set to start a command shell like "cmd.exe /c start". The Mac requires "-shell=open" on the command line. See 'Additional Information' at the bottom of http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/bin/view/Main/APPXADCMacInstallation for one way to set command line parameters on the Mac, or http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/bin/view/Main/VaryingTheAPPXDisplayArea for another. -font=(fixed|prop) default=fixed Toggles between fixed (courier) font and proportional font on all screens where font is not specified. -initialFontSize={value} default=14 <blockquote dir="ltr"> This will set the startup font size for the client. </blockquote> -widgetFontAdjust={value} default=0 <blockquote dir="ltr"> This will adjust fonts used on all designed widgets by this amount. It can be set to a positive or negative integer. The value will be added to the font size used by all widgets. So, if a workstation runs the client and the default widget font size comes in at a value of 14, setting the argument to -1 would cause all widgets to display with a font size of 13. </blockquote> -hideMenu Hides the Java Client menu bar. -hideToolbar Hides the Java Client tool bar. -optkey={character} Resets the key used as the option key. The default is the single-back-quote ` character. To set the option key to the ~ character, use -optkey=~ ---++ Comments: _Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments._ --- On Windows server 27-May-2021: -d didn't work for database. -database did work. -- %BUBBLESIG{ErikGimbergh - 2021-05-27}% %COMMENT%
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