This subroutine initializes a line on the "current" chart.


      PASS         <line_spec_name>           FIELD            SHARE? N
      PASS         <start_x>                  FIELD            SHARE? N
      PASS         <start_y>                  FIELD            SHARE? N
      PASS         <end_x>                    FIELD            SHARE? N
      PASS         <end_y>                    FIELD            SHARE? N
      *        Check for error
      IF       0CD .LINE INITIALIZE           NE


This subroutine initializes (draws) a line on the "current" chart. If the named line exists, then initialization removes all the formatting from the specified line and everything is reset to defaults.

<line_spec_name> is a required parameter and the subroutine will cancel if it is not received. If the <line_spec_name> is blank, an error will be returned.

<line_spec_name> can be any name you want to assign to this line object (Required).

<start_x> is the X co-ordinate of the starting point of the line. This is required, and must be in the range 1-99999.

<start_y> is the Y co-ordinate of the starting point of the line. This is required, and must be in the range 1-99999.

<end_x> is the X co-ordinate of the ending point of the line. This is required, and must be in the range 1-99999.

<end_y> is the Y co-ordinate of the ending point of the line. This is required, and must be in the range 1-99999.

All co-ordinates are in pixels. The origin (0,0) is the upper left corner of your chart.

The default width is one pixel, and the default color is black. You can change the width and color using .LINE SET W or .LINE SET CLR.

The newly initialized line object is set to be the "current" line object.


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-- JeanNeron - 2012-02-17

This topic: Main > WebHome > APPX510Features > CDChartDirectorDesignerAPI > CDChartDirectorBaseChartRoutines > CDLineInitialize
Topic revision: r2 - 2012-02-19 - JeanNeron
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