This subroutine is called to initialize a dataset.


      PASS         <number_of_dimensions>     FIELD            SHARE? N
      PASS         <dataset_name>             FIELD            SHARE? N
      IF       0CD .DATASET INITIALIZE        NE


This subroutine is called to initialize a dataset. You must call this subroutine before you can add data using .POINT ADD NEW.

<number of dimensions> must be an unsigned integer between 1-3. If <number_of_dimensions> is not received, then a default value of 1 dimension is assumed. For example, pie and bar charts only require one dimension (data is just plotted on the Y axis), while line charts require 2 dimensions (data is plotted on both the X and Y axis).

If a <dataset_name> is received, the dataset with the specified name is removed (if it exists) and a new dataset is created and initialized with the specified name.

If no <dataset_name> is received, the "unnamed" dataset is removed (if it exists) and a new "unnamed" dataset is created and initialized.

The newly initialized dataset become the "current" dataset.

See Datasets Overview for more information on working with data.


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-- JeanNeron - 2011-11-11

This topic: Main > WebHome > APPX510Features > CDChartDirectorDesignerAPI > CDChartDirectorDataRoutines > CDDatasetInitialize
Topic revision: r4 - 2013-02-19 - RayPelegrino
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