This subroutine is called to set the title for the "current" chart spec.


      PASS         <chart_title>              FIELD            SHARE? N
      PASS         <text_spec_name>           FIELD            SHARE? N
      *        Check for error
      IF       CHT .CHART SET TITLE           NE


This subroutine sets the title for the "current" chart.

The parameters for this subroutine are both optional.

If a <chart_title> is passed, then the title is set for the "current" chart spec.

If a <chart_title> is not passed, then any existing chart title for the "current" chart spec is cleared along with all of the related chart title attributes.

If a <text_spec_name> is passed, then the text attributes of the named text spec are set as the default attributes for the chart title.

The chart title become the "current" text object and subsequent calls to the various text routines set/modify the text attributes of the title.


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-- SteveFrizzell - 2010-03-17

This topic: Main > WebHome > APPX510Features > CDChartDirectorDesignerAPI > CDChartSetTitle
Topic revision: r3 - 2010-03-20 - SteveFrizzell
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