This subroutine is called to set the specified axis ("x", "y") of the "current" chart to be the "current" axis.


      PASS         <axis_to_use>              FIELD            SHARE? N
      PASS         <axis_type>                FIELD            SHARE? N
      *        Check for error
      IF       0CD .AXIS SET CURRENT          NE


This subroutine selects either the "X" or "Y" axis to be the "currrent" axis. Each axis has both a primary and secondary axis. For the "Y" axis, the primary axis is on the left side of the chart, and the secondary axis is on the right side of the chart. For the "X" axis, the primary axis is on the bottom and the secondary axis is on the top. These axes are created for you automatically when you initialize a XY type chart (see .CHART INITIALIZE).

The <axis_to_use> parameter is required, and must be one of X, XAXIS, X AXIS, Y, YAXIS, Y AXIS. The subroutine will cancel if this parameter is not received.

The <axis_type> parameter is optional, and if passed, must be one of PRIMARY or SECONDARY. If not passed, the primary axis is assumed.

Once you have selected the axis with this routine, you can set the various attributes of the titles and labels via the other .AXIS routines.


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-- JeanNeron - 2011-11-09

This topic: Main > WebHome > APPX510Features > CDChartDirectorDesignerAPI > CDChartDirectorXYChartRoutines > CDAxisSetCurrent
Topic revision: r4 - 2012-02-25 - JeanNeron
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