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Upgrade APPX HTML Client on Linux

Assumption #1 /var/www/html/client/ contains the contents of webhost.zip bundle. Modify paths below if different.

Assumption #2 /usr/local/appx/appxconnector/ contains the serverConnector.zip bundle. Modify paths below if different.

As root user or a user known to have permission to overwrite these files.

  1. cd /var/www/html/client/
  2. rm webhost.zip
  3. wget https://faces.appx.com/nightly/files/webhost.zip
  4. unzip -qqo webhost.zip
  5. cd /usr/local/appx/appxconnector/
  6. node appxConnector-uninstall.js
  7. head -n 40 appxConnector.js
    1. From the above head command, please note the following parameters
    2. (sslEnabled, sslPrivateKey, sslCertificate, sslCertAuthority, cryptoEnabled, mongoDatabase, mongoHost, mongoPort, appxdebug, appxlog, useoldsocket, appxLocalConnectorCert)
  8. head -n 45 appxMogoConnector.js
    1. From the above head command, please note the parameters
    2. (connectorPort, workers, sslEnabled, sslPrivateKey, sslCertificate, sslCertAuthority, mongoDatabase, mongoPrefs, mongoHost, mongoPort, mongoLocale, appxdebug)
  9. pwd
    1. (make sure you are in appxconnector folder)
  10. rm -Rf *
    1. (be very careful with this rm command, it's intended to remove the contents of the appxconnector folder)
  11. wget https://faces.appx.com/nightly/files/serverConnector.zip
  12. unzip -qqo serverConnector.zip
  13. vi appxConnector.js
    1. Now make sure the previous parameters you noted from first head are transferred to the new appxConnector.js file
  14. vi appxMongoConnector.js
    1. Now make sure the previous parameters you noted from the second head are transferred to the new appxMongoConnector.js file
  15. As root user do
    1. npm install
    2. node appxConnector-install.js

Upgrade APPX HTML Client on Windows

Assumption #1 \inetpub\wwwroot\client\ contains the contents of webhost.zip bundle. Modify paths below if different.

Assumption #2 \appx\appxconnector\ contains the serverConnector.zip bundle. Modify paths below if different.

As Administrator user or a user known to have permission to overwrite these files.

  1. cd \inetpub\wwwroot\client
  2. del webhost.zip
  3. curl -O https://faces.appx.com/nightly/files/webhost.zip
  4. powershell.exe -Command "& {expand-archive -path 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\client\webhost.zip' -destinationpath 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\client' -Force}"
  5. cd \appx\appxconnector1 node appxConnector-uninstall.js
  6. powershell -command "& {Get-Content appxConnector.js -TotalCount 34}"
    1. From the above powershell command, please note the following parameters
    2. (sslEnabled, sslPrivateKey, sslCertificate, sslCertAuthority, cryptoEnabled, mongoDatabase, mongoHost, mongoPort, appxdebug, appxlog, useoldsocket, appxLocalConnectorCert)
  7. powershell -command "& {Get-Content appxMongoConnector.js -TotalCount 30}"
    1. From the above powershell command, please note the parameters
    2. (connectorPort, workers, sslEnabled, sslPrivateKey, sslCertificate, sslCertAuthority, mongoDatabase, mongoPrefs, mongoHost, mongoPort, mongoLocale, appxdebug)
  8. cd
    1. (make sure you are in appxconnector folder)
  9. rmdir /S .
    1. (be very careful with this rmdir command, it's intended to remove the contents of the appxconnector folder)
  10. curl -O https://faces.appx.com/nightly/files/serverConnector.zip
  11. powershell.exe -Command "& {expand-archive -path 'C:\appx\appxconnector\serverConnector.zip' -destinationpath 'C:\appx\appxconnector' -Force}"
  12. notepad appxConnector.js
    1. Now make sure the previous parameters you noted from first head are transferred to the new appxConnector.js file
  13. notepad appxMongoConnector.js
    1. Now make sure the previous parameters you noted from the second head are transferred to the new appxMongoConnector.js file
  14. As an Administrative user do
    1. npm install
    2. node appxConnector-install.js

-- Joe Ortagus - 2020-12-22


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Topic revision: r4 - 2023-01-05 - JoeOrtagus
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