Assumption #1 /var/www/html/client/ contains the contents of bundle. Modify paths below if different.
Assumption #2 /usr/local/appx/appxconnector/ contains the bundle. Modify paths below if different.
As root user or a user known to have permission to overwrite these files.
- cd /var/www/html/client/
- rm
- wget
- unzip -qqo
- cd /usr/local/appx/appxconnector/
- node appxConnector-uninstall.js
- head -n 40 appxConnector.js
- From the above head command, please note the following parameters
- (sslEnabled, sslPrivateKey, sslCertificate, sslCertAuthority, cryptoEnabled, mongoDatabase, mongoHost, mongoPort, appxdebug, appxlog, useoldsocket, appxLocalConnectorCert)
- head -n 45 appxMogoConnector.js
- From the above head command, please note the parameters
- (connectorPort, workers, sslEnabled, sslPrivateKey, sslCertificate, sslCertAuthority, mongoDatabase, mongoPrefs, mongoHost, mongoPort, mongoLocale, appxdebug)
- pwd
- (make sure you are in appxconnector folder)
- rm -Rf *
- (be very careful with this rm command, it's intended to remove the contents of the appxconnector folder)
- wget
- unzip -qqo
- vi appxConnector.js
- Now make sure the previous parameters you noted from first head are transferred to the new appxConnector.js file
- vi appxMongoConnector.js
- Now make sure the previous parameters you noted from the second head are transferred to the new appxMongoConnector.js file
- As root user do
- npm install
- node appxConnector-install.js
Upgrade APPX HTML Client on Windows
Assumption #1 \inetpub\wwwroot\client\ contains the contents of bundle. Modify paths below if different.
Assumption #2 \appx\appxconnector\ contains the bundle. Modify paths below if different.
As Administrator user or a user known to have permission to overwrite these files.
- cd \inetpub\wwwroot\client
- del
- curl -O
- powershell.exe -Command "& {expand-archive -path 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\client\' -destinationpath 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\client' -Force}"
- cd \appx\appxconnector1 node appxConnector-uninstall.js
- powershell -command "& {Get-Content appxConnector.js -TotalCount 34}"
- From the above powershell command, please note the following parameters
- (sslEnabled, sslPrivateKey, sslCertificate, sslCertAuthority, cryptoEnabled, mongoDatabase, mongoHost, mongoPort, appxdebug, appxlog, useoldsocket, appxLocalConnectorCert)
- powershell -command "& {Get-Content appxMongoConnector.js -TotalCount 30}"
- From the above powershell command, please note the parameters
- (connectorPort, workers, sslEnabled, sslPrivateKey, sslCertificate, sslCertAuthority, mongoDatabase, mongoPrefs, mongoHost, mongoPort, mongoLocale, appxdebug)
- cd
- (make sure you are in appxconnector folder)
- rmdir /S .
- (be very careful with this rmdir command, it's intended to remove the contents of the appxconnector folder)
- curl -O
- powershell.exe -Command "& {expand-archive -path 'C:\appx\appxconnector\' -destinationpath 'C:\appx\appxconnector' -Force}"
- notepad appxConnector.js
- Now make sure the previous parameters you noted from first head are transferred to the new appxConnector.js file
- notepad appxMongoConnector.js
- Now make sure the previous parameters you noted from the second head are transferred to the new appxMongoConnector.js file
- As an Administrative user do
- npm install
- node appxConnector-install.js
Joe Ortagus - 2020-12-22