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---+ APPX 5.5.0/5.5.1/5.5.2 Feature Index _This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.5 and subsequent patch releases. Follow the links below to learn more._ <br /><span data-mce-mark="1"><span data-mce-mark="1"><span data-mce-mark="1"><span data-mce-mark="1"><span data-mce-mark="1"><span data-mce-mark="1"><span data-mce-mark="1">%TOC%</span></span></span></span></span></span></span> ---++ Overview 5.5.x Release 5.5.x has many new features for Application Designers, System Administrators and Users. To accommodate the new screens and new features, we have increased the minimum rows and columns in the client. For normal users (i.e., those not using Application Design) we recommend a size of 25 rows by 100 columns. For Designers we recommend a minimum size of 35 rows by 144 columns or *one row/column larger than your largest Image, whichever is greater*. If the clients are not using these screen sizes they will use the older screens. This page gives you an overview of the changes in each area. ---++ Compatibility with Previous Releases This release adds some new ILF commands (DEL ALL, SQL and EXITREAD) as well as the ability to comment a block of ILF. These features are not compatible with previous releases. If you use these features and install your application on an older release then any process that uses the new ILF commands will not compile. If you have commented out a block of code, older releases will not recognize this and treat the code as if it was not commented out. If you avoid using these features you will be able to develop under 5.5.0 and deploy in an earlier release although 5.5.0 specific features (such as explicitly setting a column heading on a Table) will be ignored. ---++ Application Design Changes In Application Design we tried to identify areas where we could make designers more productive, such as: * A Data API makes it easier to supply data to web based queries * A Multi Widget Editor (MWE) allows you to modify multiple Widgets at one time. * The Item Editor now shows you ALL item attributes on one screen so you don't have to switch between different dialog boxes. * In most cases, we tried to combine GUI Attributes and Additional Attributes on one screen. And more: * Documentation can now be entered in HTML * Column headings & more in table widgets * Standard copy/paste shortcut keys in the Image Editor * Optional Child/Rules accessible from button definition * You can lock design of a file to prevent accidental changes * You can comment entire blocks of code * You can see the line numbers in the ILF editor and jump to a specific line * New ILF verbs – EXITREAD, SQL, DEL ALL * New APIs * Experimental – new style input for designing Input processes. Go to <a href="Appx550FeaturesAppDesign" target="_blank">this page</a> for the complete list and full details. ---++ System Administration Changes For System Administrators we added an 'Inactive' flag on the User file. The Data/Design File management menus allow you to leave the Database, Application or Version blank so that you can select multiple Databases or Applications at once. We also added options to the Data File Management menu to copy data between databases and change FMS types (with/without data conversion). The Monitor application can not only show you what process the user is currently running but also the parent processes so you can see where they came from. Go to [[Appx550FeaturesSysAdmin][this page]] for the complete list and full details. ---++ SCCS Changes A significant number of changes have been made to the Source Code Control System including enhanced notes, task dependencies, and more. Go to [[Appx550FeaturesSCCS][this page]] for the complete list and full details. ---++ Runtime Changes For users we updated the look of the Disposition, Record Selection and Sort Orders screens to make them more contemporary and easier to use. Users can also email reports directly from APPX (requires the installation of the 'mutt' email client). Record selection and Sort Order parameters can be saved and recalled for reuse. Tables can be used in place of the normal SCAN displays. Go to <a href="Appx550FeaturesRunTime" target="_blank">this page</a> for the complete list and full details. ---++ Bugs Fixed ---+++ 5.5.0: The following bugs were addressed in this Release: * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=1464][PDF Output does not print multiple copies]] (#1454) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2092][Invalid Request Using Main ARB - Variable Length Records]] (#2092) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?sid=dca8bc45933cc924&bugid=2261][Encrypted files fail verification]] (#2261) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2303][Invalid Request Using Main ARB - Update documentation]] (#2303) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2375][GUI App Design Menu retains current Project/Job/Task]] (#2375) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2777][SCAN display starts at wrong record]] (#2777) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2868][Extra Window appears or Client Crashes]] (#2868) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2967][Column Justification in Table Widget]] (#2967) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=3007][Client won't connect with SSL mode disabled]] (#3007) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=3485][.UTIL FIELD SET crashes the APPX session]] (#3485) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=3989][ILF code can disappear at top of event point]] (#3989) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=3998][Key Pause on Check Box too persistent]] (#3998) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4051][Alpha field as button >1 row doesn't behave quite right]] (#4051) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4088][Cross-reference on all apps in version 00 causes APPX errors and eventual crash]] (#4088) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4233][IF statement return T when result is F]] (#4233) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4318][Too many GOSUBs causes crash]] (#4318) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4348][APPX goes into ADD mode unexpectedly]] (#4348) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4350][SCAN doesn't show key fields in ILF Editor]] (4350) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4351]['AC' indicator goes away when you renumber (output) frames.]] (#4351) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4378][Can't select calculation to edit after a Join]] (#4378) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4383][Table Resource inhibits Mod Logs]] (#4383) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4384][SCCS Design Transfer not update SCTRACK]] (#4384) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4387][Pasting IF DIFF gives incorrect error]] (#4387) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4389][CSV Export headings incorrect]] (#4389) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4396][Search for file ignored]] (#4396) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4400][Hotkeys on Java Client are the same]] (#4400) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4409][.UTIL FIELD SET won't set logic to blank]] (#4409) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4425][.TEXT PARSE LINE returns incorrect word count for space-delimited values]] (#4425) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4427][.FILE RESTRUCT will truncate tables stored in SQL Server]] (#4427) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4429][Center alignment on fields doesn't work right]] (#4429) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4453][.UTIL FIELD GET overwrites value of --- LI]] (#4453) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4456][Field XREF - Default value should not be set for key entry]] (#4456) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4458][Scratch fails - indexed/memory-related files]] (#4458) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4459][New restructure capability needs version specification]] (#4459) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4464][Image Editor allows buttons and tables on Output Images]] (#4464) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4466][RBS Security table does not show DB for User]] (#4466) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4471][Delimited Exporter tool Overflow Error]] (#4471) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4481][.ENV GET PATH NAME does not work for FMS type 9]] (#4481) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4482][Query selection fields are missing lookup icons]] (#4482) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4486][Security codes not always visible]] (#4486) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4489][XREF (cross reference) slow after upgrading from 4.2.a to 5.4.7]] (#4489) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4491][Movable screen doesn't fire the specified option after the move]] (#4491) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4518][Process generator doesn't flag any sort order items as 'last']] (#4518) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4524][Temp disk File names not unique]] (#4524) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4531][appxLoginMgr provides less information on Windows vs Linux]] (#4531) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4532][The APPX Login Manager is rejecting token logins when its configured to only accept SSL logins.]] (#4532) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4533][Java Client doesn't honor transparent flag on the image widget]] (#4533) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4536]['Goto Security Code' jumps to wrong spot for codes <=100]] (#4536) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4562][Box widgets with blank Border Option no longer appear in java client]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4562)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4571][.CLIENT DISPLAY FILE fails on windows if filename has an ampersand &]] (#4571) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4584][c-asert when trying to create Em for 'EM BUILD ERRORS' process]] (#4584) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4585][.ENV GET SCREEN SIZE returns wrong rows]] (#4585) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4596][Mangled Title and 'System Directory Record is Missing' error when adding security]] (#4596) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4600][.CONVERT HTML TO TEXT doesn't handle some tags]] (#4600) ---+++ 5.5.1: The following bugs were addressed in this Release: * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4673][APPX Java Client locks up if column heading is blank]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4673)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4696][DLU Continue - unexpected error]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4696)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4606][Invalid Request Using Main ARB]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4606)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4683][Data Services - scan for subroutine causes c-assert ]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;">(#4683)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4522][The parameter ServiceType in appxLoginMgr.exe .ini file needs data argument documented]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4522)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4559][ILF editor checks for Field Names instead of File Names when saving Verify statement with Type = Record]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4559)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4583][Audit Search c assert]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4583)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4622][User ID/Password visible]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4622)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4640][Can't change both AA and GA in new Combined AA/GA input]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4640)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4641][QSORT (ADD) should allow double click]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4641)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4642]['Continue' button not marked as default]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4642)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4643][Session locks after jump to optional child from widget editor]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4643)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4644][Field overrides appear to be lost]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4644)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4645][Option key doesn't work with US International Keyboard]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4645)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4652][Wrong mode when adding new Token values]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4652)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4654][New Record Selection Screen now requires up to 5 key presses to select a condition]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4654)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4655][Record Selection Screen missing label]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4655)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4656][Record Selection Screen missing tooltip on Duplicate button]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4656)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4658][Record Selection Screen buttons missing shortcut keys]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4658)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4659][Update log should include date/time stamp]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4659)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4668][Text Report Search broken]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4668)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4676][Default mode for child process with no existing records should be add if permitted]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4676)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4677][.FILE RESTRUCT in different DB]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4677)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4685][STREAM OPEN fails to open https webpages (on Windows)]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4685)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4699][Selection Expression for Query End User Selection is editable when 'Editable at Runtime' set to no]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4699)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4700][Debugger on ADC hangs when you set a field to @SLN=1]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4700)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4705][Tokenized Date Mask can't be untokenized]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4705)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4706][New Item Editor displays 0LA instead of ---]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4706)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4707][Literal XREF has BIG memory leak]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4707)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4708][Key Entry Mode on File Specification Screen causes Error ]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;">(#4708)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4709][Help screen always come up in html format]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4709)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4710][Changing FMS from APPX IO to ODBC only changes the first file's FMS]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4710)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4716][appxLoginMgr.exe working set increases with each new session]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4716)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4726][Label and functionality is wrong for button of “Advanced” tab of the Disposition dialog]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4726)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4727][ADC on Linux cannot render html editror widget]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4727)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4731][Java client fails to open a New Session on Linux]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#4731)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4732][Enabled checkbox is non modifiable for Table Widget]] (#4732) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4751][Query Selection Issue When The Relationship is initially BLANK]] (#4751) - This is fixed on Runtime Application 551.a ---+++ 5.5.2: The following bugs were addressed in this Release: * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2574]['No Record Currently Held' error]] (#2574) - This was first fixed in 6.2.0 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=3687][appxLoginMgr -status error]] (#3687) - This was first fixed in 6.2.0 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4077][Combination of Windows Server, HTML client and AppxInterface=Pipe doesn't work]] (#4077) - This was first fixed in 6.2.0 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4085][Screen Size is ignored when start the client with specific Process]] (#4085) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4511][HTML client hangs if compile time error]] (#4511) - This was first fixed in 6.2.0 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4817][New image editor won't allow Auto Display Type 4]] (#4817) - This was first fixed in 6.2.0 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4851][Changing Column of table source item corrupts item]] (#4851) - This was first fixed in 6.2.0 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4890][Create EM's Bug in the Tools]] (#4890) - This was first fixed in 6.2.0 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4927][Numeric Display Mask Fails To Removed Trailing Zeros]] (#4927) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4994][Issue with Password containing $]] (#4994) - This was first fixed in 6.2.0 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=4996][Odd ILF behaviour while line numbers are showing?]] (#4996) - This was first fixed in 6.2.0 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=5014][Table Widget not possible on MENU]] (#5014) - This was first fixed in 6.2.0 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=5035][Option Help does not work for 3 digit Option numbers]] (#5035) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=5048][Option 99 runs Trace Option]] (#5048) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=5058][Graphical attributes Control PICTURE and Location CLIENT FILE does not work with alpha field]] (#5058) - This was first fixed in 6.2.0 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=5070][Command-line appx cannot execute application-level EM compile]] (#5070) - This was first fixed in 6.2.0 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=5143][Appx crash in columnar scroll]] (#5143) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=5154][PUSH / POP appear to consume memory during a recursive call, but do not give it back.]] (#5154) ---++ New Features/Enhancements ---+++ 5.5.0: The following features and enhancements were implemented in this Release: * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=484][Quick Comment/Un-comment]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#484)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=530][Restore connectMode default back to "both" instead of "local"]] (#530) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=531][Implement SQL Command]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#531)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=532][Multi Widget Editor]]<span style="background-color: transparent;"> (#532)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=533][New Disposition Screen]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#533)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=535][New combined Item editor]]<span style="background-color: transparent;"> (#535)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=538][DEL ALL ILF statement]]<span style="background-color: transparent;"> (#538)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=544][Ability to make a user account as inactive]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#544)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=546][Add process stack to session management table]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#546)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=547][Add Client Type to session management table]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#547)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=548][Use standard Windows copy/paste keys in IE]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#548)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=549][Add APIs to archive Security Codes]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#549)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=550][Add Copy option to Database management]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#550)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=551][Need an input to let users change their password.]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#551)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=552][Make defining actions associated with buttons easier]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#552)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=553][New API's]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#553)</span> * [[0LASubrFileSetSpecs][Set file specifications]] * [[0LASubrUtilSecrSave][Archive security codes]] * [[0LASubrUtilSecrRest][Restore security codes]] * [[0LASubrConvertHtmlToText][Convert HTML to text]] * [[0LASubrUtilEmail][Email report]] * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=554][Combine AA & GA at Frame & Image level]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#554)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=555][Update Alternate Key Selection popup]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#555)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=557][Update Record Selection screen]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#557)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=558][Update Sort Order screen]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#558)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=559][Change default FMS type to 9 for new files]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#559)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=560][Data File Management improvements]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#560)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=561][Design File Management improvements]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#561)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=563][Access GA from Item List in Image Editor]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#563)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=564][Allow Documentation in HTML format]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#564)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=566][EXITREAD ILF statement]]<span style="background-color: transparent;"> (#566)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=569][Mass Change FMS group]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#569)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=571][Add a 'Reorganize Files' option to Data File Management]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#571)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=572][Ability to Modify Table Column Headings and Cell Properties]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#572)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=573][Save/Restore Queries]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#573)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=574][Identify & resolve 3-second delay using Appx Desktop Client for some users outside the network]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#574)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=575][Show line numbers in ILF editor (and allow jump to line number)]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#575)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=576][Add toolbox icon to image editor (mimic option-0)]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#576)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=578][Use table on SCAN screen]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#578)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=579][Change Client's Default Values]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#579)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=581][The APPX login manager pipe and token directories are not created automatically]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#581)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=583][Default rows/cols in Inputs/Menus]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#583)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=584][Front-end support for email on disposition screen]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#584)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=588][X-ref performance]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#588)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=591][Add Audit Information Button to ILF editor]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#591)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=592][Ability to get the status of a file structure]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#592)</span> ---+++ 5.5.1: The following features and enhancements were implemented in this Release: * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=594][Add a step to update sysdir during appx install]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#594)</span> * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=595][Support for table column heading bar visibility in java client]] (#595) * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_task.jsp?taskid=599][Warn users if they are using a pre-released version of APPX]]<span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;"> (#599)</span> ---+++ 5.5.2: The following features and enhancements were implemented in this Release: None ---++ Known Issues * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?sid=dca8bc45933cc924&bugid=4573][Server side PDF printing on Windows Server buggy around 50 copies]] (#4573) ---+ Comments: _Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments._ --- <br /><span data-mce-mark="1"><span data-mce-mark="1"><span data-mce-mark="1"><span data-mce-mark="1"><span data-mce-mark="1"><span data-mce-mark="1"><span data-mce-mark="1">%COMMENT%</span></span></span></span></span></span></span> -- [[Main.JeanNeron][Main.]] BrianRyan [[Main.JeanNeron][ - 2020-07-06]]
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