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APPX/Linux Client

Here's how to set up an APPX/Linux Client (character-based, and as opposed to a Windows or Java Client) to run against an NT APPX/Server, and how to map its keymap:

1) Set up four environment variables under Linux:

APPX_HOST=ip-address or name

2) Copy the 0SA/keymap files from NT to Linux. Run 'appx -k' under Linux to set up the desired keymap. Copy them back to NT. Important Note: The keymap name that you define must be all UPPER CASE.

3) Run 'appx -c'. It should use the just-entered keymap, plus the four environment variables (in lieu of the interactive dialog box), to log into APPX/NT as a client.

Following is a script Bruce Johnston (thanks, Bruce!) posted to APPX-List for coding this so that you didn't have to hard-code his UserID/Passwords, and another problem he ran into you may want to keep an eye out for:

The .profile in each /home/userid contains the following:

cd /root/appx

/root/appx/appx.sh contains:

echo -n "APPX UID : " ; read A_UID
stty -echo
echo -n "APPX PWD : " ; read A_PWD
stty echo
export APPX_HOST=
export APPX_PORT=8061
./appx -c

What is nice in this situation is that I only need one generic user id on the Linux box. Everything in the directories is read and execute only.

Note that I use a different port number. Very important 'cause I set up another WinAppxD using that port which actually runs a batch file to set the APPX_KEYMAP for everyone coming through that port.

I did have to rewrite a bunch of screens and some of my own SCAN routines to compensate for the smaller screen.

Possible problem with APPX_UID:

It is correctly picking up env vars; APPX_USER, APPX_PSWD, APPX_HOST, APPX_PORT and APPX_DATA_SERVER.

Instead of accepting APPX_UID however, it is grabbing the userid logged into the LINUX console.


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Topic revision: r2 - 2012-03-10 - ChrisBrower
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