Up/Down Cursor Keys Scroll ILF Code

Effective with Release 5.0.0, the ILF editor allows the cursor up and down key to be used to navigate vertically within the event point being edited.


While in the ILF editor, pressing the up or down cursor key will scroll the display up or down. When the cursor is at the bottom or top line, the next available line of code will be displayed. The cursor will remain on the current line until the arrow key is pressed again. You cannot scroll if the editor is opened for change (Chg*). This feature is only available when designing with the APPX Client.


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-- SteveFrizzell - 30 Sep 2008

This topic: Main > APPX500 > APPX500Es > APPX500FeaturesEs > APPXClientILFEditorScrollingEs
Topic revision: r1 - 2010-01-27 - RayPelegrino
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