APPX HTML Client Features
This page provides an overview of the features in the latest HTML client
APPX HTML Client Features (Released with APPX Server Release 6.1.0) - September 8, 2021 (Released with APPX Server Release 5.5.1) - July 27, 2020 (Released with APPX Server Release 5.5.0) - April 08, 2020 (Released with APPX Server Release 5.4.6) - March 9, 2018
The version number of the client can be determined by hovering the mouse over the 'Remote+' field in the lower right hand corner. (Released with APPX Server Release 6.1.0) - September 8, 2021
Drop down list is sometime blank
Single column scan list forces selection
Enter in Text Area widget adds two LF characters
The color chooser icon isn't shown - missing icon
Color chooser is sticky
User changes to column width in table not saved
Unable to edit textReverseEnterKey preference
Table Case Sensitive sort doesn't work
Widget specs from ILF ignored if table is user-sorted
Footer bar options no longer appear on table widgets
Single Column Scan Selects The First Record Automatically
Color Chooser Widget Does not work
Small' HTML Editor field cannot be edited with full editor
Color Chooser Doesn't Get The Initial Focus If It Is The First Field
HTML Client Doesn't Handle ¶ (Paragraph) Character Correctly
Pictures With Client URL Location Type Cause Client Hang
Changing The Source Of a Picture Widget Doesn't Change The Picture
HTML Client 'Unable to connect to server' when NodeJS is updated
AutoLogin Doesn't Work
(#4931) (Released with APPX Server Release 5.5.1) - July 27, 2020
Maximum call stack size exceeded
Modifying table preferences breaks table
Three State Check Box Doesn't Work Right
Checkbox misbehavior in 5.5 browser client - freeze likely
Check boxes are grayed out in tables
SCAN does not select record
Table Widget Enabled? Specification (Java vs HTML)
Mongo needs a cleanup process
HTML Editor Clears values of text areas on the input in html client
Table Multiselect prevents data from loading
Problem with colon in hyperlinks (behavior differs from java client)
'WHAT IS THIS' Option does not work on toolbar button
Html editor's data does not get transferred to popup editor
Update CKEditor
Highlight search icon on the table if search is applied
(#598) (Released with APPX Server Release 5.5.0) - April 08, 2020
Table widget double click timing issue
Popup input screen is centered incorrectly
Input Process with table randomly crashes the client
Labels off by 1 column on scrolling image
Table Preferences not saved when using Safari
There is no way to clear saved table layout
Table widget 'Gear' icon appears more than once
APPX should sanitize the incoming data
Local Connector Security
.Client Upload File subroutine Fails
Table Search Issue
Table search on logic fields doesn't work right
Table Saved Preferences Issue
Saved table prefs not retrieved by Firefox
Table multi select issue
HTML Editor messes up with CKEditor specs if text field size is too small
Access Request Dialog has no options
Data API connector crashes on timeout
HTML Client appends nulls to alpha fields with accented characters
Issues with multiple HTML Editor widgets on the same screen on html client
Help button ? does work on fields (#4413) Query process display wrong image for checkbox
Mouse pointer does not change for Help
Option Help does not work if table on screen
All buttons disabled for Help if popup has a BG colot
WHAT IS THIS Option Does Not Work
Table csv export fails to export large tables
Widget Font Adjust Preference Missing
Box Widget's micro adjust not honored
Table Options Pop-Up remains when exist screen
Drop down list is sometimes ???
Table widget with no action assigned to single click
Pop-up Window's background buttons different colors
Logic fields/check boxes - appear same in Inquiry and Change Mode
Scroll Screen - right scroll bar overlays data
Scroll screen - Some values truncated
Scroll Screen - separate lines and alignment
Scroll Screen - separator line for checkbox
Using characters - text disapeprs
Input Tab sequencing not reacting the same
ERROR on Inputs - no sound
Table Options - not save table preferences
html client treats option null as USER-0
Separator line is missing from an item of row text
File chooser returns pathname for home directory
HTML Viewer widget has no border
Work field with no widget does not display
Invalid Pathname causes file upload to lock up html client
Process with a Table sometimes ends too far for ecape key
Required node module string has security CVE open vulnerability
Download PDFs fail on Macbook w/Touchbar
Browser client no longer recognizes shift-click to select multiple rows in a table
HTML client and appxLoginMgr not playing together when SSLMode=required
Html client doesn't honor screen position specified on image widget
Html client misscalculates the new position of the movable screen
Tables lock up the client randomly
sometimes table data is being truncated while using html client
Table doesn't honor Font color and background color
Table doens't honor Bold
Adding caption to table changes the table height
Table captions don't have the right size
Sound played on error is corrupt and very annoying
Html client sometimes incorrectly shows labels in bold
Print Hard Copy on client doesn't honor the printer name
Html client doesn't delete the print file after printing
html clients on linux or mac fail to do client side printing
Problem with colors on selected row(s)
if you set 'appx-close-on-exit' parameter to true appx hangs on exit
HTML Client has intermittent table selection issues
Table input locks session (#4535) HTML Editor Size Issue
HTML Editor doesn't parse html
Html Editor Changes the data
HTML editor doesn't honor 'Show Editor Decoration' gui attribute
Html Editor popup screen doesn't diappear
Html Editor popup button is missing in add mode
Html Editor intercepts appx shortcut keys
Set Item Attibute (Ctrl + F3) doesn't work on html client
SET ENTRY ATTRIBUTES (Ctrl-F3) doesn't work at all on browser client
Unable to select record from table -Probably duplicate bug
Popup table input process sometimes crashes the html client
(#4564) (Released with APPX Server Release 5.4.7) - January 16, 2019
Review Preferences
Tables don't keep selected records in visible view
$play macro should use built in behaviour of browser
Seq no (numeric) field not right justified on scrolling image
--- DROPINFO WIDGET KEY not populated
HTML client crashes if it tries to open an empty file
GUI Attributes on Pull Down Menus
Login box disappear when you resize your browser
Icon repeats on a button
Any text in the Prompt field for a Calendar/Clock widget obscures field data (HTML client)
Scroll bar is not showing on appx lookup screen
userData empty
Folder chooser window opens up behind the browser
Toggle button displays incorrectly
2 digit options don't always work
CKEditor won't load stylesSet values from resource file
ckEditor does not apply content stylesheet in inquire mode
HTML editor stops on REFRESH statement
Session disconnects if user hits Enter during processing
Background color on toolbar icons ignored
Color Choosers don't work properly.
Can't right click to check spelling
Table size in html client is larger than java client
HTML editor with no Decoration Issue
Tooltips appear behind the appx status bar
Table widgets no longer honor TSFB and TSRN specs in ILF code
Double-click on drop-down scan display locks engine
Table preferences missing
\.appx\ folder (nor subdirectories) not created for client side printing
Saving default table layout blocks future design changes
Client locks up if keys pressed too fast
Buttons are disabled on a scrolling display
Scrolling screen labels and fields off 1 line in full frame scroller
Tooltips off bottom of screen
Table column changes revert too quickly
Got Focus event blocks scan
Date Chooser date and time not set
Can't pick key path from popup
Table view toggle stops working
Time in HML Client footer does not update
Buttons Sometimes Ignored
Lose Focus prevents button click
Calendar widget disrupts Lose Focus
$beep: plays 'Uh Oh' instead of 'Beep'
Sessions Login Option Broken
Tabbing quickly disrupts Lose Focus
Lose Focus very slow
Lose Focus Quits Working
Data lookup broken in HTML client
Setting Checkbox to null fires KEY PAUSE
Data lookup listbox won't return selected record after #255
Date Time Picker Doesn't Work
Selected record in table does not stay selected
Field position and auto tab-out broken for date fields
Unexpected values in listbox dropdown widgets
Body tag modification
Table Single Click not working
Save Table option is now broken
Table Status Bar is missing information
Box labels not positioned properly
Table Widget Sometimes Doesn't Highlight Selected Records
Status bar does not clear Em build message
New session broken
csv export of table doesn't escape the data properly
Table multi select issue
(#4368) (Released with APPX Server Release 5.4.6) - March 9, 2018
Scrolling screens missing column separators
Find Records for date fields in Tables does not work
File upload freezes if file name contains spaces
Using -mapOptionKey does not work
Text boxes can be resized, but fields below bleed through
Table headings don't resize for larger font
.CLIENT UPLOAD FILE hangs 2nd time
Scan screen rendered incorrectly
Unable to Upload Large Files
Tltle Bar Background Color is Used on Entire Window
Secure icon forces date/time display mostly off screen
Sometimes page load gets stuck on Loading...
HTML Client 2017121101 incompatible with NPM Module mongodb 3.0rc0
This topic: Main
Topic revision: r9 - 2021-09-09 - MisaghKarimi
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