APPX 5.1 Bug Fixes
Following is a list of bugs that were fixed in Appx release 5.1.
The list is sub-divided into categories. The bug title, bug number (in parenthesis), and a brief explanation are listed within each category.
Bugs By Category
Application Design
- When using ASQL to import tables, you can once again alter the query and "Try Again" to import if there are errors. (2542)
Run-Time Behaviors
- File Level Event Points (FLEP) Sometimes crashed when a related file was not open. (2549)
- Running on an AIX server, Panning right in the Image Editor crashed the session. (2500, 2559)
- The SQL Report Writer did not run on AIX Server.
- Command line option cannot contain a space in process name (2408)
Run-Time Environment
- Query screen was ignoring the designer "Edit" setting on Sort Order Subheadings (1856)
- Added server Process ID to the default Client Titlebar text.
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-- PeteBrower - 2012-03-29