Bonus Features

A collection of miscelleanous features that were added in 5.2.x.

New Values for --- OPTION

The predefined field -- OPTION now allows the following values:

- LOGOUT. All processes in the stack will be ended (the End of Process event point will run) and the user will be logged out. Same as the LOGOUT ILF command but you can assign this value to ---OPTION in a button.

- RESCROLL. Causes Appx to rescroll all the records on the current scrolling screen.

- KEY ENTRY. Causes Appx to immediately go into Key Entry mode.

New Environment Variables

APPX_WARN_REG_DAYS controls the Registration Expiry warning screen. This is the number of days after which non administrators will see the Registration Expiry screen. Setting this to zero will suppress the registration warning screen completely. Administrators will continue to see the Registration Expiry screen as usual.

APPX_SMART_ILF controls the behavior of the ILF editor. Setting this to 'true' will activate automatic copying of T/F flags from line to line, and auto completion of BEG READ/END READ commands and BEG LOOP/END LOOP commands.

New Resource Type

A new Resource Type of 'FONT' has been added. When working with custom fonts (see Using Custom Fonts) you can use this Resource Type instead of the non-intuitive 'Rollover Selected'

New Predefined Field --- INCLUDE RECORD

This Y/N field can be used to include/exclude record from a Table Widget (see New Table Widget), but can also be used in an input process to exclude record from the display. This can only be set in the Post PCF Read event point.


Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.

-- JeanNeron - 2013-05-29

This topic: Main > APPX520Features > 520BonusFeatures
Topic revision: r4 - 2015-12-02 - AlKalter
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