This subroutine computes the SHA-2 hash value for the given string. APPX 5.4.5 & higher only.


*     PASS         <hash value returned>      FIELD            SHARE? Y
*     PASS         <hash type>                FIELD            SHARE? N
*     PASS         <Data to hash>             FIELD            SHARE? N
      *        Check for errors
*     IF       --- .UTIL COMPUTE HASH         NE


This subroutine computes the SHA-2 hash value for the given string. The first 2 parameters are required and if any required parameters are missing, the subroutine will CANCEL.

<hash value returned> is the computed value returned. This must be passed with Share="Y" to return a value. It should be an alpha field at least 64 or 128 bytes in length, depending on the <hash type> requested (Required).

<hash type> is the type of hash value you want returned (Required):

  • B for a 64 byte binary value
  • UC for a 128 byte readable value, upper case
  • LC for a 128 byte readable value, lower case
<Data to hash> is the string to be hashed (32k max size).


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-- JeanNeron - 2012-03-08

This topic: Main > WebHome > FullAPIList > 0LASubrUtilComputeHash
Topic revision: r1 - 2016-09-12 - JeanNeron
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