This subroutine will set the specifications of the specified file. This API is available in Release 5.5 & higher


*     PASS         <file_name>                FIELD            SHARE? N
*     PASS         <application>              FIELD            SHARE? N
*     PASS         <database>                 FIELD            SHARE? N
*     PASS     --- FMS                        RECORD           SHARE? N
*     GOSUB    --- .FILE SET SPECS
      *        Check for errors
*     IF       --- .FILE SET SPECS            NE


This subroutine allows you to set or change the specifications of the specified file.

It has the same restrictions as Data File Management, ie, the user running the command must be either a System Administrator or have Database Management rights for the Database/Application.

<file_name> is the file to be changed (Required). This must be a file defined in your Data Dictionary.

<application> is the application that contains the Data Dictionary for <file_name> (Optional). If not specified, it will default to the current application.

<database> is the database in which the specifications should be set (Optional). If not specified, it will default to the current Database.

<--- FMS> is the working storage file that contains the specifications to be set

The fields that you can supply vary by the FMS TYPE. This corresponds to the FMS type in Data File Management:

1 - APPX's default ISAM, known as APPX/IO

2 - ACUCOBOL's Vision ISAM, on Unix systems only.

3 - Informix's C-ISAM, on Unix systems only.

5 - Oracle

6 - ODBC (SQL Server, etc)

7 - APPX/Net

8 - DB/2

9 - APPX default ISAM, Large Files (sizes >4G)

Some of these interfaces are separately licensed products from their respective vendors and require additional files from APPX Software.

All fields in --- FMS are optional. If not supplied, the original value (if any) remains in place. Fields that are not part of a given FMS Type will be ignored (ie, setting a Port number on an APPX/IO file). If you change the FMS type of a file, all previous settings will be cleared and only the settings you supply will be used.

The FMS USE DB is a special case (corresponds to the 'Use DB' column in Data File Management). If this is set to a valid Database, then all previous file specifications will be cleared and the file will be set to the FMS Type of the file in the FMS USE DB. If this file cannot be found, it will default to a Type '1'. There is no point in setting any other FMS attribute in this case, since APPX will use the ones on the specified DB.

The following is a list of what fields are applicable to each FMS type when you are not setting FMS USE DB.


FMS FMS - Set to '1' to designate the file as an APPX/IO file, or '9' for a large file (>4g)

FMS FMS GROUP - The name of a valid FMS Group

FMS FMS REC CNT - The number of records to be allocated when the file is initially created.

FMS FMS PATH - The Optional Path.

FMS FMS TRACK LCK - The 'Track Locks' flag

FMS FMS LOGPROF - The name of a valid Log Profile

Accucobol Vision

FMS FMS - Set to '2' to designate the file as an Accucobol Vision ISAM file.

FMS FMS GROUP - The name of a valid FMS Group

FMS FMS REC CNT - The number of records to be allocated when the file is initially created.

FMS FMS PATH - The Optional Path.

FMS FMS CTL - A free format string. This has no meaning to APPX and is intended to pass any parameters required by the Accucobol Vision interface.

FMS FMS LOGPROF - The name of a valid Log Profile

Informix C-ISAM

FMS FMS - Set to '3' to designate the file as an Informix C-ISAM file.

FMS FMS GROUP - The name of a valid FMS Group

FMS FMS REC CNT - The number of records to be allocated when the file is initially created.

FMS FMS PATH - The Optional Path.

FMS FMS CTL - A free format string. This has no meaning to APPX and is intended to pass any parameters required by the Informix C-ISAM interface.

FMS FMS LOGPROF - The name of a valid Log Profile


FMS FMS - Set to '5' to designate the file as an Oracle file.

FMS FMS GROUP - The name of a valid FMS Group

FMS FMS REC CNT - The number of records to be allocated when the file is initially created.

FMS FMS PATH - The Optional Path.

FMS FMS SERVER NM - The Server name on which the file system resides. You can append the port number and ORACLE SID, ie, SRV01:1521/sales.

FMS FMS TABLE - The table naming scheme to be used, ie, $db_$appl_$file or simply the name of a table.

FMS FMS TABLESPAC - The tablespace for the table

FMS FMS LOGPROF - The name of a valid Log Profile

FMS FMS INITIAL - The size of the first extent in bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes. ('100', '220K', or '5M')

FMS FMS NEXT - The size of the next extent in bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes. ('100', '220K', or '5M')

FMS FMS PCT INCR - The percentage by which each extent will grow over the previous extent.

FMS FMS MIN EXTS - The number of extents to be allocated when table is created.

FMS FMS MAX EXTS - The maximum number of extents that may be allocated for the table.

FMS FMS PCT FREE - The percentage of space to be reserved in each data block for future updates to rows contained in that block.

FMS FMS PCT USED - The minimum percentage of space that will be maintained as used in each data block.

FMS FMS FREELISTS - The number of free lists contained in each freelist group in the table.

FMS FMS FREEGROUP - The number of groups of free lists for the table.

FMS FMS INIT TRAN - The initial number of transaction entries allocated to each block.

FMS FMS MAX TRAN - The maximum number of transaction entries allocated to each block.

FMS FMS SUPR NULL - Determines whether or not to disable the null numeric feature inherent in the database; set to "Y" if you want to be consistent with APPXIO behavior which does not have this capability (a zero entry cannot be distinguished from a null value in APPXIO)

FMS FMS FORCE VAR - Set to "Y" to force Appx to use VARCHAR for all alphanumeric fields. If you set this field to "N", Appx will use CHAR for alpha key columns and alpha columns shorter than six bytes.


FMS FMS - Set to '6' to designate the file as a file in an ODBC compliant database (ie, SQL Server, MySQL, etc) or 8 to designate a file in DB/2.

FMS FMS GROUP - The name of a valid FMS Group

FMS FMS REC CNT - The number of records to be allocated when the file is initially created.

FMS FMS PATH - The Optional Path.

FMS FMS DATABASE - For ODBC, the name of the ODBC Data Source to use. For DB/2, defines the particular DB2 source being used.

FMS FMS TABLE - The table naming scheme to be used, ie, $db_$appl_$file or simply the name of a table.

FMS FMS PROXY DB - The pseudo database where APPX maintains its own row level locking. Cannot be an existing database.

FMS FMS LOGPROF - The name of a valid Log Profile

FMS FMS SUPR NULL - Determines whether or not to disable the null numeric feature inherent in the database; set to "Y" if you want to be consistent with APPXIO behavior which does not have this capability (a zero entry cannot be distinguished from a null value in APPXIO)

FMS FMS RD UNCOMT - This determines whether or not to read a record with an update pending which has not yet been committed. If set to "Y", Appx will read the uncommitted changes. This more closely emulates AppxIO behaviour. If set to "N", Appx will wait for the data to be committed or rolled back.


FMS FMS - Set to '7' to designate the file as an APPX/NET file

FMS FMS GROUP - The name of a valid FMS Group

FMS FMS REC CNT - The number of records to be allocated when the file is initially created.

FMS FMS PATH - The Optional Path.

FMS FMS SERVER NM - The Server name on which the file system resides.

FMS FMS PORT - The port number on the indicated server

FMS FMS LOGPROF - The name of a valid Log Profile


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-- JeanNeron - 2019-06-18

This topic: Main > WebHome > FullAPIList > 0LASubrFileSetSpecs
Topic revision: r2 - 2019-10-10 - JeanNeron
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