This subroutine is called to create a directory in the filesystem.


    PASS        <error_message>           FIELD           SHARE? Y
    PASS        <directory_name>          FIELD           SHARE? N
     *       check for errors
    IF      --- .FILE MAKE DIR            NE


This subroutine is called to create a directory in the filesystem. Both parameters are required, the subroutine will CANCEL if they are not received.

<error_message> contains additional error information if the command fails (Required). Must be PASSed with Share "Y".

<directory_name> is the directory name to create (Required).

If .FILE MAKE DIR is not blank, you can check <error_message> for more information on why the command failed.

This command is run by the appx engine, not by 'shelling out' to the O/S level, therefore the directory will have the permissions of the engine. On Linux/Unix systems, if the 'setuid' bit is set, then those will be the permissions of user 'appx'. If you do not have the 'setuid' bit set, then the those will be the permissions of whatever user you have the engine configured to impersonate. On Windows the permissions will be that of the current user.


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-- PeteBrower - 2011-08-12

This topic: Main > WebHome > APPX510Features > APPXRuntimeSubroutineAPI > 0LASubrFileMakeDir
Topic revision: r2 - 2012-01-25 - JeanNeron
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