Difference: SandboxTestPage (11 vs. 12)

Revision 122011-07-20 - ChrisBrower

Line: 1 to 1

APPX 4.2.9, PostgreSQL, and UnixODBC on RHEL 5/Scientific Linux 5/Oracle Linux 5/!CentOS 5

Line: 55 to 55

Configuring appx.env

The appx.env file has a line beginning with APPX_ODBC_LIB, which points to the MySQL UnixODBC Connector driver. It can be remarked out. APPX should not have any trouble locating the driver without it.
The appx.env file has a line beginning with APPX_ODBC_LIB, which points to the MySQL UnixODBC Connector driver. It can be remarked out. APPX should not have any trouble locating the driver without it.
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