Difference: UnicodeSETStmt (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52011-03-17 - PeteBrower

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="UnicodeTestPlan"

SET Statement

Line: 47 to 47
    • Each character is transcoded from 8859-15 to UTF-32.
    • Unicode characters can be embedded in literals using unicode escape sequences. \u#### or \U########
    • Truncation and UTF-32 or Space padding will take place.

Test Plan

ILF Editor: (untested)

Test Requirements:

Does the ILF Editor allow all valid combinates from the above list?

Does the ILF Editor give a meaningful error when entering invalid combinations?

Test Results and Notes:


Process Compiler: (untested)

Test Requirements:

Does the Process Compiler allow all valid combinates from the above list?

Does the Process Compiler give a meaningful error when encountering invalid combinations? (can use Opt-88 to force saving or errors)

Test Results and Notes:




  1. Bug: Setting a Unicode alpha field equal to a Token field does not work. It appears to do a byte by byte set, not a character set of the Token string. (Note CNV TEXT does work)
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