Difference: UnicodeSETStmt (15 vs. 16)

Revision 162011-04-20 - JeanNeron

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META TOPICPARENT name="UnicodeTestPlan"

SET Statement

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  1. Bug: Setting a Unicode alpha field equal to a Token field does not work. It appears to do a byte by byte set, not a character set of the Token string. (Note CNV TEXT does work) * FIXED * March 28 engine
  1. When SETting a logic field into Unicode or National fields, does not remove old data in receiving field, ie, receiving field contains 20110412, after SET contains Y0110412. * FIXED * April 17 engine
  1. When SETting a logic field into Unicode or National fields, does not remove old data in receiving field, ie, receiving field contains 20110412, after SET contains Y0110412. * FIXED * April 17 engine
  1. When SETting a numeric field into Unicode or National fields, does not remove old data in receiving field, ie, receiving field contains 2011041200000000, after SETting numeric field value 12345, contains 1234541200000000.** FIXED ** April 17 engine
  2. SETing a token field into a National Field does not work, just get reverse image diamonds * FIXED ** April 17 engine
  3. SETing a National field back into a Token does not work, just get ??????? ** Not a bug FAD**
  4. SETing a Unicode field back into a Token does not work, just get ??????? ** Not a bug FAD**
  5. Does not throw transcode error when moving raw to National when raw contains non national data
  6. A Raw alpha containing \u#### or \U######## does not get transcoded to Unicode. ** Not a bug, functions as designed **
  1. SETing a unicode character into a raw alpha generates a 'Value Does Not Fit In Mask' runtime error. It should be transcode error.
  2. SETing a national character into a raw alpha generates a 'Value Does Not Fit In Mask' runtime error. Should not be an error at all, should it? Raw should accept any 8 bit value, right? * Not a bug, FAD *. It's possible a National character will not exist in the 8859-15 (raw) character set.
  1. SETing a unicode character into a raw alpha generates a 'Value Does Not Fit In Mask' runtime error. It should be transcode error. * FIXED * April 19 engine
  2. SETing a national character into a raw alpha generates a 'Value Does Not Fit In Mask' runtime error. Should not be an error at all, should it? Raw should accept any 8 bit value, right? * Not a bug, FAD *. It's possible a National character will not exist in the 8859-15 (raw) character set.
  1. SETing a Unicode Character into a National field, where the Unicode character is not part of the National set does not create a transcode error.
  1. SET statement gives runtime error 'Value Does Not Fit in Mask' when attempting to move unicode field containing \u00A4 into it. I thought any 8 bit character was valid for Raw fields? * Not a bug * Raw fields use the 8859-15 character set, and \u00A4 (spiky ball) is not part of it.
  1. SET statement gives runtime error 'Value Does Not Fit in Mask' when attempting to move unicode field containing \u00A4 into it. I thought any 8 bit character was valid for Raw fields? * Not a bug * Raw fields use the 8859-15 character set, and \u00A4 (spiky ball) is not part of it.
  1. Allows me to SET \u00A4 into a National field when SYSPARM has US-ASCII as National Character set. This character (spiky ball) does not exist in US-ASCII, only in 8859-1. Should be a transcode error.

-- SteveFrizzell - 2011-03-07 \ No newline at end of file

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