Difference: UnicodeRECEIVE_LOCALStmt (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32011-04-20 - JeanNeron

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META TOPICPARENT name="UnicodeTestPlan"

RECEIVE / LOCAL Statements

Line: 19 to 19
  1. Test all encoding to see if they act as a RESTORE (DEFAULT VALUE).


  1. Assign a value like 100. to --- X, and PASS that into a subroutine (shared). RECEIVE it as a National or Unicode field type, and append a one to the string, then exit. After the subroutine returns, --- X will contain 101.000000000000. Note all the trailing zeros, this doesn't happen under 5.0.3, or if you use a Raw type field. If you PASS --- X again into a National or Unicode field, it will receive all the trailing zeroes and the string will contain 101.000000000000 instead of just 101.
  1. Assign a value like 10. to --- X, and PASS that into a subroutine (shared). RECEIVE it as a National or Unicode field type, and append a one to the string, then exit. After the subroutine returns, --- X will contain 101.000000000000. Note all the trailing zeros, this doesn't happen under 5.0.3, or if you use a Raw type field. If you PASS --- X again into a National or Unicode field, it will receive all the trailing zeroes and the string will contain 101.000000000000 instead of just 101.

-- PeteBrower - 2011-03-17 \ No newline at end of file

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