Difference: UnicodeRECEIVE_LOCALStmt (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52011-06-02 - JeanNeron

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META TOPICPARENT name="UnicodeTestPlan"

RECEIVE / LOCAL Statements

Line: 23 to 23
  1. Transcode errors are reported as 'Overflow Error' at run time. Should probably use the 'Transcode Error' message so the designer has a better idea of the problem. Example: Pass Raw field to a subroutine (shared), receive as Unicode or National, then append a non Raw character to it & return. Runtime error occurs after the return.
  2. Same as above, but on a RECEIVE. Example, pass a Unicode field containing a unicode value, receive a RAW, runtime error is 'Overflow error', probably s/b 'Transcode Error'
  3. Same as 2), but on a RECEIVE with National fields. Example, pass a National field containing a national value, receive a RAW, runtime error is 'Overflow error', probably s/b 'Transcode Error'
  1. Does not report transcode errors when a non national character is passed into a national field (ie, pass unicode, receive national).
  1. Does not report transcode errors when a non national character is passed into a national field (ie, pass unicode, receive national). ** Not a bug FAD**

-- PeteBrower - 2011-03-17

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