Difference: UnicodeCNV_TEXTStmt (10 vs. 11)

Revision 112011-05-31 - JeanNeron

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META TOPICPARENT name="UnicodeTestPlan"

CNV TEXT Statement

Line: 44 to 44
  1. Test CNV TEXT with Numeric, Date, and Logic fields using RAW, UNICODE, and NATIONAL alpha fields.


  1. It's not handling Logic fields properly. When CNV TEXT into National/Unicode from Logic the destination field is wrong somehow. It looks ok in the debugger, but if I display it on an image, it shows the field is filled with reverse image diamonds. When comparing via IF to either Y or N, always returns False. * FIXED * Tested with May 23 engine.
    Since SET does not work with Group fields and National/Unicode fields, then this probably should not either. It does give compile errors, but the error is "Length of Record Exceeds Maximum Allowed (32k)". Probably should give the same error SET does: "Invalid Storage Type".
  1. It's not handling Logic fields properly. When CNV TEXT into National/Unicode from Logic the destination field is wrong somehow. It looks ok in the debugger, but if I display it on an image, it shows the field is filled with reverse image diamonds. When comparing via IF to either Y or N, always returns False. * FIXED * Tested with May 23 engine.
  2. Since SET does not work with Group fields and National/Unicode fields, then this probably should not either. It does give compile errors, but the error is "Length of Record Exceeds Maximum Allowed (32k)". Probably should give the same error SET does: "Invalid Storage Type".
  1. When converting from Unicode to National, where the Unicode field contains characters not in the National character set, does not throw a transcode error.
  2. When converting from Unicode to Raw, where the Unicode field contains characters not in the Raw character set, does not throw a transcode error, just silently drops the Unicode character. Should be a transcode error.
  3. When converting a Unicode field containing a spiky ball (0xA4), I get a Euro symbol in my Raw field. Same with National to Raw.

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