Difference: UnicodeCNV_TEXTStmt (14 vs. 15)

Revision 152011-06-15 - JeanNeron

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META TOPICPARENT name="UnicodeTestPlan"

CNV TEXT Statement

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  1. When converting from Unicode to Raw, where the Unicode field contains characters not in the Raw character set, does not throw a transcode error, just silently drops the Unicode character. Should be a transcode error or it should use the substitute character.* FIXED * June 9 engine, Returns F if conversion cannot be performed.
  2. When converting a Unicode field containing a spiky ball (0xA4), I get a Euro symbol in my Raw field. Same with National to Raw.* FIXED * June 9 engine, Returns F if conversion cannot be performed.
  3. When converting from Unicode to National or Raw, causes Appx to crash. Not sure if it's the National or Raw, all the statements run but when the Event Point ends, the client closes. Doesn't seem to matter if there's any data to convert or not. This also happened when converting from National to Unicode/Raw, but somewhat inconsistently. It worked for a while, then suddenly started crashing Appx every time. Retest when GUI working again.
  1. When converting from National to Raw, where National field contains a character not in the Raw character set, does not throw a transcode error. The character is silently converted to something else.
  1. When converting from National to Raw, where National field contains a character not in the Raw character set, does not throw a transcode error. The character is silently converted to something else. * FIXED * June 9 engine, Returns F if conversion cannot be performed.
  1. When converting from Unicode Text to National or Raw array, does not word wrap. * FIXED * June 9 engine, Returns F if conversion cannot be performed.
  2. When converting from Unicode Text to National or Raw array, does not throw transcode errors, just silently converts the characters to something else (Raw) or converts them unchanged (National). Raw array sometimes contains garbage characters, this might depend on the specific strings entered. Retest when GUI is working again.
  3. When converting from National Text to Unicode or Raw array, does not word wrap. * FIXED * June 9 engine
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  1. When converting from National or Unicode to Format field, C-assert 'Unexpected src_buf size (15)' in module CVALP.C.1945 and format field contains incorrect data.* FIXED * June 9 engine
  2. When converting from National or Unicode back to Raw, it only moves the part of the string. Sometimes just the first word, sometimes more.* FIXED * June 9 engine
  3. Does not give transcode error when converting Unicode to Raw when Unicode contains non Raw characters.* FIXED * June 9 engine, Returns F if conversion cannot be performed.
  1. Does not move all characters when converting from Unicode to Raw (destination truncated) * Not a bug *, CNV TEXT returned F, so results should not be relied on.
  1. Does not move all characters when converting from Unicode to Raw (destination truncated) * Not a bug *, CNV TEXT returned F, so results should not be relied on.
  1. Does not give transcode errors when converting from Raw to National when Raw contains non National Characters. ** Functions as Designed **
  1. Does not move all characters when converting from National to Raw (destination truncated)
  1. Does not move all characters when converting from National to Raw (destination truncated)* FIXED * June 9 engine, Returns F if conversion cannot be performed.
  1. Does not give transcode error when converting Unicode to National when Unicode contains non National characters ** Functions as Designed **
  2. When CNV TEXT from Unicode into occ (1) of multi occ National field, occ (2) of the destination is cleared. If the source field was a TEXT type field and I specified 000 as a destination occ number, that would make sense, but the source is plain alpha and I did not specify occ 000 on the destination. Is it supposed to work this way? * FIXED * June 9 engine
  3. CNV TEXT from a record containing Raw into Unicode or National field shows garbage in the fields. Attempting to move the National or Unicode back to the record results in truncated data in the fields.* FIXED * June 9 engine
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