Difference: CDChartRender (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22010-03-20 - SteveFrizzell

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="ChartDirectorDesignerAPI"
META TOPICPARENT name="CDChartDirectorDesignerAPI"


This subroutine is called to render a chart for the "current" chart spec.

Line: 28 to 28

-- SteveFrizzell - 2010-03-17

META TOPICMOVED by="SteveFrizzell" date="1269082331" from="Main.ChartRender" to="Main.CDChartRender"

Revision 12010-03-17 - SteveFrizzell

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="ChartDirectorDesignerAPI"


This subroutine is called to render a chart for the "current" chart spec.


      PASS         <chart_pathname>           FIELD            SHARE? Y
      *        Check for error
      IF       CHT .CHART RENDER              NE


This subroutine renders a chart for the "current" chart spec using the "current" dataset spec and returns the full pathname of a (png) file containing the rendered chart.

The <chart_pathname> is a required parameter. The value passed may be blank or it may optionally specify the file name or the full pathname of the chart that is to be rendered.

If the <chart_pathname> value that is passed is blank, then the system will assign a sequentially numbered file name with the prefix specified in the system parameter file and will create the file in the default chart directory specified in the system parameter file.

If the <chart_pathname> value that is passed is not blank, then the value passed must either be the desired file name or the desired full pathname (directory and file name) for the chart file that is to be created. If a file name is passed, then the system will create the chart file using the specified name in the default chart directory specified in the system parameter file. If a full pathname is passed, then the system will create the chart file using the specified full pathname.

This subroutine returns the full pathname of the file containing the rendered chart in the <chart_pathname> field so this parameter must be passed with SHARE=Y.


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-- SteveFrizzell - 2010-03-17

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