Difference: AppxHTMLClient543 (16 vs. 17)

Revision 172016-08-11 - JeanNeron

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APPX HTML Client 5.4.3/5.4.4

This page gives installation instructions and an overview of the Appx HTML client.





The Appx HTML client is designed to allow you to connect to an Appx server and run Appx applications using a browser, either on the desktop, a tablet or a smartphone. When running the client in a browser, no software is required on the desktop, tablet or smart phone. When the user logs on, the necessary code is downloaded to their device as required.

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  All releases of the APPX Server Connector require the 'nodejs' package from https://nodejs.org/. For rpm based Linux systems, you can install it via (as root):
curl --silent --location https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup | bash -yum install nodejs
curl --silent --location https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup | bash -yum install nodejs

To install on Windows, go to https://nodejs.org and download the Windows installer (msi) file and simply run the installer.

To install on Windows, go to https://nodejs.org and download the Windows installer (msi) file and simply run the installer.
  As of Release 5.4.4 the APPX Server Connector also requires the MongoDB Database for caching images and other items. Instructions for downloading and configuring the database can be found at https://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/


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  Assuming the web server to which we installed the client is, and that we installed everything into an 'appx' folder on the web server, then we should be able to get a client login dialog box via:
  You must open port 3014 on the server running the APPX Server Connector for this connection to work. If you do not want to open any new ports on your firewall, see the section on 'Tunneling/Forwarding'.

Upgrading an existing HTML client installation

If you are upgrading an existing HTML client installation, the procedure is similar to installation except:

  • it is not necessary to run the 'appxConnector-install.js' script. Simply stop the appxConnector service, install the new files, and restart the appxConnector service.
  • if you have customized 'client.html' you will have to re-do your customizations as it will be replaced when the new files are installed.
  • if you have created your own login page based on the standard 'client.html', compare your page and the standard 'client.html' for any changes that might be required.


As mentioned above, you can suppress the requirement for the LocalConnector by changing the following line in "client.html":

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  var sslEnabled = true;
For Unix/Linux hosts
For Unix/Linux hosts
 var sslPrivateKey = "/etc/pki/tls/private/example.key";
var sslCertificate = "/etc/pki/tls/certs/example.com.crt";
var sslCertAuthority = "/etc/pki/tls/certs/gd_bundle.crt";

For Windows hosts
var sslPrivateKey = "c:\\appx\\SSL\\example.key";
var sslCertificate = "c:\\appx\\SSL\\example.crt";
var sslCertAuthority = "c:\\appx\\SSL\\gd_bundle.crt"
var sslCertAuthority = "/etc/pki/tls/certs/gd_bundle.crt";

For Windows hosts
var sslPrivateKey = "c:\\appx\\SSL\\example.key";
var sslCertificate = "c:\\appx\\SSL\\example.crt";
var sslCertAuthority = "c:\\appx\\SSL\\gd_bundle.crt"
  The SSL key values above are examples, you will need to change the file paths to point to your own SSL certificates.
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  • Copy the client.html file to each subfolder.
  • Create a 'css' folder in each subfolder, and put each unique CUSTOM.css file in that folder


  • If you have created your own login page based on 'client.html', make sure you update it with any changes to the standard 'client.html' when upgrading the HTML client.
  • If the client login dialog box does not display, check your web server error logs for any error messages & correct as required.
  • If you are getting "[proxy:error] [pid xxxx] (13)Permission denied:" errors, you might have a selinux security issue that prevents apache from initiating any outgoing network connections to the web socket server port. In that case, try the following command:
    # setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
  • Some browsers (like IE) will not run the client successfully if you double click the 'client.html' file. You should always access the web page via http://servername/client.html, even if the page is installed on your local system.
  • Some browsers (like IE) will not run the client successfully if you double click the 'client.html' file. You should always access the web page via http://servername/client.html, even if the page is installed on your local system.
  • Check to make sure your Appx Server Connector is still running. If not, restart it.
  • If you can't display table data inside a browser and you are running Windows Server 2008R2, you might try installing this HOTFIX from Microsoft. Windows 2008R2 servers without that HOTFIX will sometimes zero-out the MongoDB data. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2731284
  • If you can't display table data inside a browser and you are running Windows Server 2008R2, you might try installing this HOTFIX from Microsoft. Windows 2008R2 servers without that HOTFIX will sometimes zero-out the MongoDB data. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2731284
  • If you're having trouble with Remote connections, this page has some tips
  • If the client seems to hang while loading images or tables, that its a very good indicator that MongoDB server has stopped. If MongoDB server needs to be started or restarted then make sure you restart the appxConnector service after MongoDB is running.




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  -- JeanNeron - 2015-12-18
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