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Backlinks to MisaghKarimi in Main Web (Search all webs)

Results from Main web retrieved at 08:00 (GMT)

.CLIENT CHECK VERSION This subroutine returns the version of the Desktop Client. Usage: PASS version text FIELD SHARE? Y...
.CONVERT FROM BASE64 This subroutine converts Base64 data to Appx raw data (Release 6.2.0 higher). Usage: PASS raw data FIELD...
.CONVERT TO BASE64 This subroutine converts Appx raw data to Base64 data (Release 6.2.0 higher). Usage: PASS base64 data FIELD...
.FILE SPLIT FILENAME This subroutine is called to separate a filename into it`s name and extension parts. Usage: PASS FIELD...
.FILE SPLIT PATHNAME This subroutine is called to separate a full pathname into its path and name parts. Usage: PASS path part FIELD...
.JSON PARSE This subroutine parses and imports a JSON string (Added in 6.2.0). Usage: PASS JSON String FIELD SHARE? N...
.JSON PARSE FILE This subroutine parses and imports a JSON file. (Added in 6.2.0) Usage: PASS JSON File Path FIELD SHARE? N...
.XML WRITER ADD ATTR This subroutine adds attribute to the most recent opened element in the given XML file. Added in 6.2.0 Usage: PASS XML stream...
.XML WRITER ADD DATA This subroutine adds data to the most recent opened element in the given XML file. Added in 6.2.0 Usage: PASS XML stream name...
.XML WRITER CDAT END This subroutine adds an ending cdata tag in the given XML file. Added in 6.2.0 Usage: PASS XML stream name FIELD...
.XML WRITER CDAT START This subroutine adds an opening cdata tag in the given XML file. Added in 6.2.0 Usage: PASS XML stream name FIELD...
.XML WRITER CLOSE This subroutine closes an XML file. Added in 6.2.0 Usage: PASS XML stream name FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.XML WRITER ELEM END This subroutine adds an end tag for the most recent opened element in the given XML file. Added in 6.2.0 Usage: PASS XML stream...
.XML WRITER ELEM START This subroutine adds a starting tag for an element to the given XML file. Added in 6.2.0 Usage: PASS XML stream name...
.XML WRITER OPEN This subroutine creates and opens an XML file. Added in 6.2.0 Usage: PASS XML stream name FIELD SHARE? N...
APPX 5 on Windows connectivity to Oracle How to configure APPX 5 on Windows to store data inside Oracle. Overview Release 5.0.0 or higher of the APPX Utility allows...
APPX HTML Client Features This page provides an overview of the features in the latest HTML client The version number of the client can be determined by hovering...
APPX 6.1 Upgrade Instructions This page provides the information needed to upgrade an existing APPX 5.4.5 (or higher) installation to APPX 6.1 Overview Release...
APPX HTML Client Features This page provides an overview of the features in the latest HTML client The version number of the client can be determined by hovering...
APPX Runtime Subroutine API These APIs can be used by an APPX designer to interact with the APPX Runtime Application ( ) to gain access to extra functionality. This...
APPX 6.1.0 and 6.2.0 Installation Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX 6.1.x and 6.2.x Notes IMPORTANT: Client versions earlier...
Configuring APPX and RDBMS Compatibility with newer versions of popular databases is among the many features of APPX 5.0 higher. This page gives some examples of...
APPX Runtime Subroutine API This page lists all the available API`s in the current version of Appx. Various API`s have been released at different times and are documented...
TWiki Site Statistics Monthly Site Statistics Data Month WebsTotal WebsViewed Websupdated TopicsTotal TopicsViewed TopicsUpdated Attach...
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Statistics for Main Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Number of topics: 26

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