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XY Chart Routines These subroutines are used to create an XY chart. General .XY SET PLOT AREA Set the position and size of the plot area. .XY SET PLOT AREA:X Set...
.LAYER ADD DATA GROUP This subroutine adds a Data Group to the current chart layer. Usage: PASS data group name FIELD SHARE...
.LAYER ADD DATASET This subroutine adds a Data Set Template to the current Data Group. Usage: PASS data set name FIELD SHARE...
.LAYER ADD DATASET TM This subroutine adds a Data Set Template to the current Data Group. Usage: PASS data set name FIELD...
Datasets Overview This page describes the basic steps and related subroutine calls for supplying data to the charting routines. Description: Data and the presentation...
.XY SET BAR OLAP This subroutine sets overlapping among bars within a bar group in a multi bar chart. Usage: PASS olap ratio FIELD...
.XY ADD BAR LAYER Esta subrutina agrega un bar layer a la especificaci...
.XY SET BAR CLR This subroutine sets the color of the bars at the current level or at the data point. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR CLR:DG This subroutine sets the color of the bar at the `current` data group. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR CLR:DP This subroutine sets the color of the bar at the `current` data point. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR CLR:DS This subroutine sets the color of the bar at the `current` data set template. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR CLR Esta subrutina establece el color de las barras en el nivel actual o en el punto de datos. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR CLR:LR This subroutine sets the color of the bar at the `current` layer. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD SHARE...
.XY SET BAR EDGE CLR This subroutine sets the color of the bar borders at the `current` layer. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR GAP This subroutine sets the gap between the bars or a bar group in a bar chart layer. Usage: PASS bar gap FIELD...
.XY SET BAR GAP:BTW This subroutine sets the gap between the bars in a bar chart layer. Usage: PASS bar gap FIELD SHARE...
.XY SET BAR GAP:WITHIN This subroutine sets the gap between the bars or a bar group in a bar chart layer. Usage: PASS subBar gap FIELD...
.XY SET BAR GRADIENT This subroutine applies a special shading effect for rectangular and polygonal bars. Usage: PASS start bright FIELD...
.XY SET BAR LEGEND ISZ This subroutine sets the width and height of the legend key icons for the `current` Legend Box. Usage: PASS icon width...
.XY SET BAR OLAP:ORDER This subroutine sets the order among overlapping bars within a bar group in a multi bar chart. Usage: PASS olap order...
.XY SET BAR OLAP:RATIO This subroutine sets the overlap ratio among bars within a bar group in a multi bar chart. Usage: PASS olap ratio...
.XY SET LEGEND TXT This subroutine sets the name to be included in the Legend box. Usage: PASS legend name FIELD SHARE?...
Number of topics: 22