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Backlinks to CDChartDirectorPieChartRoutines in all Webs (Search Main Web only)

Results from Main web retrieved at 18:48 (GMT)

Chart Director API for APPX These APIs can be used by an APPX designer to create business charts within an APPX application. Installation Tips Overview Data Routines...
.PIE SECT ADD NEXT This subroutine is called to create a new pic chart sector spec. Usage: PASS sector data point FIELD SHARE...
.PIE SECT INITIALIZE This subroutine is called to initialize or reinitialize a pie sector spec. Usage: PASS chart spec name FIELD...
.PIE SECT SET CURRENT This subroutine is called to select a new `current` pie sector spec. Usage: PASS sector no FIELD...
.PIE SET 3D DEPTH This subroutine sets the 3D Depth for all pie sectors. Usage: PASS pie 3D depth FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.PIE SET 3D MODE This subroutine sets the 3D mode of a pie chart. Usage: PASS pie 3d mode FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.PIE SET SECT 3D DEPTH This subroutine sets the sector 3D Depth for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the current pie sector....
.PIE SET 3D VIEW ANGLE This subroutine sets the 3D view angle of the `current` pie chart. Usage: PASS 3D view angle FIELD...
.PIE SET DATASET This subroutine associates a dataset with the `current` pie chart. Usage: PASS dataset name FIELD SHARE...
.PIE SET LBL BOUNDS This subroutine sets the upper and lower bounds for drawing labels on the `current` chart. Usage: PASS top bound...
.PIE SET LBL BOUNDS:B This subroutine sets the lower bound for drawing labels on the `current` chart. Usage: PASS bottom bound FIELD...
.PIE SET LBL BOUNDS:T This subroutine sets the upper bound for drawing labels on the `current` chart. Usage: PASS top bound FIELD...
.PIE SET LBL DISTANCE This subroutine sets the label layout for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the `current` pie sector....
.PIE SET LBL FORMAT This subroutine sets format for pie sector labels for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the `current` pie...
.PIE SET LBL JN LN CLR This subroutine sets the color of the lines that join the pie sector perimeter with the pie sector labels for all pie sectors, a range of pie...
.PIE SET LBL JN LN W This subroutine sets the width of the lines that join the pie sector perimeter with the pie sector labels for all pie sectors, a range of pie...
.PIE SET LBL LAYOUT This subroutine sets the label layout for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the `current` pie sector. Usage...
.PIE SET ORIGIN This subroutine sets the x and y coordinates (horizontal and vertical) of the center of the pie for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS...
.PIE SET ORIGIN:X This subroutine sets the x coordinate (horizontal) of the center of the pie for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS pie X coord...
.PIE SET ORIGIN:Y This subroutine sets the y coordinate (vertical) of the center of the pie for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS pie Y coord...
.PIE SET RADIUS This subroutine sets the radius of the pie for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS outer radius FIELD SHARE...
.PIE SET RADIUS:INNER This subroutine sets the inner radius of the pie for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS inner radius FIELD...
.PIE SET RADIUS:OUTER This subroutine sets the outer radius of the pie for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS outer radius FIELD...
.PIE SET SECT BG CLR This subroutine sets the background color of the `current` or specified sector specs. Usage: PASS color spec name...
.PIE SET SECT EDGE CLR This subroutine sets the edge color of the `current` or specified sector specs. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.PIE SET SECT EDGE W This subroutine sets the edge width of the `current` or specified sector specs. Usage: PASS edge width FIELD...
.PIE SET SECT EXP DIST This subroutine sets the distance between exploded sectors for the `current` or specified sector specs. Usage: PASS exp dist...
.PIE SET SECT LABEL This subroutine sets the label for the `current` or specified sector specs. Usage: PASS sector label FIELD...
.PIE SET LAYOUT This subroutine sets the starting angle of the first sector and the direction for subsequent sectors for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS...
.PIE SET LAYOUT:DIR This subroutine sets the direction for drawing sectors for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS layout clockwise FIELD...
.PIE SET SECT POSITION This subroutine sets the position (Normal or Exploded) of the `current` or specified sector specs. Usage: PASS sector pos...
.PIE SET SECT SHADING This subroutine sets the shading method of the `current` or specified sector specs. Usage: PASS shade method FIELD...
.PIE SET LAYOUT:ANGLE This subroutine sets the starting angle of the first sector for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS starting angle...
.PIE SET SHAPE This subroutine is called to set the shape of the pie chart to be Standard or Donut. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE...
.PIE SET VIEW This subroutine sets the view of the `current` pie chart to be 2D or 3D. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N...
Number of topics: 35

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